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Motherhood is often an exhausting stage for new mothers, but also for all those welcoming a new child. How to lighten your daily life? A therapist offers five tips, here are:
The feeling of not being able to do everything, of feeling overwhelmed and ultimately feeling guilty… is not foreign to many mothers. How can you best experience motherhood without feeling exhausted, whether from a physical or mental point of view? Sheryl Ziegler, therapist responding to Your Tango, reveals five tips.
Give yourself breaks
Do you feel like you always have to do something, even (and especially) when your child is sleeping? By following this logic, you never take a break. However, they are essential to recharge your batteries and better manage what you have to do afterwards. So when your child takes a nap, imitate him and sleep too! You will only feel better afterwards.
Adopt a new routine
“When moms feel like they have to get up, cook, clean, tend to their children’s needs, work, and do the same thing day after day, they can lose any sense of joy in their life” analyzes the expert. A feeling that gives the impression of being trapped in your everyday life, without seeing “the end of the tunnel”. To avoid this, change your habits and regularly readjust your routine and your activities, but also those of your family.
Refocus on yourself
When you become a mother, you would give everything for your child. But forgetting yourself is a mistake. Because we end up compensating by eating less well, for example. A risk that weighs on his health, in the end. Don’t neglect your health and in particular what you eat, so that you can feel good in your body and have the energy necessary to face your days.
Cut off your social media
“Studies are increasingly showing us that exposure to social media, constant online shopping and working in front of screens all day are detrimental to our well-being. The more you look at other people’s Facebook or Instagram pages, the worse you feel about yourself, your kids, or your life.” warns the therapist. Seeing moms who are “sure” on Instagram by having a “perfect life” can weigh on your morale. Be aware that these influencers only show what they want with their lives and that ten seconds of video does not reflect the 24 hours of a day. Put down your phone to avoid this or use it instead to call a friend, who will offer support.
Remember, this is just one stage of your life.
Taking care of one or more young children is obviously exhausting. But in difficult times, remember that everything in life is just a passage. Your children will grow up and you will move on quickly. Try to make the most of their first years of life. “If you have young children and are constantly caring for them, not sleeping through the night, or dealing with daily tantrums, it’s important to remember that this will pass. If you have teenagers rolling their eyes and slamming doors, that’s also a scene that will pass.” concludes Sheryl Ziegler.