How to learn math and become better?

How to learn math and become better

Today, scientists are convinced: we all have the “math bump”. So how come some of us seem to handle numbers better than others? Probably because they implemented some methods that made them better at math.

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The math serve us in everyday life: for shopping or cooking or for DIY. In France, the education system always gives them pride of place. Good students continue to be oriented towards science classes in which success depends on a good level in maths. A good level that is not always easy to achieve.

If it does not take the form of a prominence of the brain cavitythe “math bump“However, seems to exist. Indeed, functional imaging techniques reveal that specific areas of the brain are activated when a mathematical problem arises. Areas linked to our perception of quantities, space and time and not to language.

You think you have understood why all these private math lessons at home were of no use to you? Because you lack this “math zone”? Think again. The “math zone” is present in all individuals, from birth. Moreover, no disparity could be noted between the “math areas” of girls and those of boys. With these clarifications, you no longer have any excuse not to make an effort and become better at math.

Why do some people struggle with math?

We often oppose the mathematicians to the literary ones and the prejudices on mathematics often make us say: ” I suck at math! » The difficulties encountered with mathematics could be partly due to the fact that we do not like this subject because we do not find it of interest, that the results are either right or wrong (without alternative) , which can put off a young student. The parents’ aversion to math can also influence the child. In addition, mathematics has the reputation of being a difficult subject that requires memory and reasoning. Mathematics are nevertheless at the heart of our lives, useful on a daily basis as well as for all scientific research. Mastering the basics, taming the mathematical language, freeing yourself from your own mental limits, but also training and showing motivation… so many keys to overcoming your math difficulties and avoiding a stall.

Acquire a solid foundation in math

It seems so obvious that we sometimes forget to mention it, but in mathematics – as in other school subjects, for that matter – it is essential, in order to progress, to master some fundamentals. If this is not your case, do not hesitate to come back. Think of multiplication tables, other operations (addition, subtraction, division), basic theorems — such as the Pythagorean theorem or the Thales theorem –, definitions of angles, fractions, etc.

You will then of course have to focus on learning your math lessons and working on them regularly. And beyond that, to understand them. Sometimes it is not easy. It may even require the use of outside help: a private math teacher, for example. This indeed can help you understand the meaning of certain terms that may seem vague. It will also be able to remove the difficulties related to the abstraction of concepts or representation in space.

Train your “math zone”

In addition to all this, you will have to practice as much as possible. Practice reading math statements. To read them actively, already beginning to mobilize the knowledge you have on the subject of right-angled triangles or systems ofequations. Then, train your “math area” to solve math problems. Especially since the only way to be sure that you have understood a concept is to put it to the test in practice. What to appropriate it for good and become better over time exercises arithmetic or geometry.

What also acquire a certain mathematical culture. Because if to progress in math, it is essential to seek and even stumble on certain questions, it would be counterproductive to want to rewrite millennia of mathematics. Thus, the experience of standard demonstrations should help to solve a new problem which arises.

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