How to Know if You’re Lowering Your Expectations in Your Relationship? 3 Signs Revealed by a Psychologist

How to Know if Youre Lowering Your Expectations in Your

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    Some people are so happy in their relationship that they are willing to make any sacrifice for their significant other. This is not a desirable attitude because in a relationship, the couple must support each other and each partner must accept the other as they are. Here are three signs that you are selling out your values ​​for your relationship, according to psychologist Mark Travers.

    Every person, before getting into a relationship, has expectations of their future partner. They know what they expect from their other half, but also what is acceptable, desirable or necessary to make the relationship work.

    These values ​​help maintain healthy boundaries within a couple, but when they are not respected or denied, it can lead to dissatisfaction or even unhealthy dynamics in the relationship. Here are the signs that show this, according to psychologist Mark Travers, who details them in an article for Forbes.

    You excuse your partner’s toxic behavior

    Does your partner prevent you from seeing your family or throw a jealous fit when you’re talking to a member of the opposite sex? Be careful, these behaviors are often found in toxic relationships.

    If you accept them and even find a way to minimize them (it’s okay) or justify them (everyone has flaws), it shows that you excuse your other half for behaving this way. This often happens out of fear of making the other person angry or fear that they will end the relationship, the expert explains.

    You are constantly hoping for change

    You might think that by lowering your standards, you’ll be able to “get along” with your partner or that your partner will eventually change. This is not true. Accepting disrespect or dishonesty will not change anything.This also generates frustrations when we see that our other half does not realize the expected changes.” adds Mark Travers. By doing this, you simply miss out on the relationship, constantly imagining what your partner could be, instead of seeing and seeing with lucidity, who he or she really is. And deciding whether or not to continue the relationship, accordingly.

    You are the only one making sacrifices

    Finally, the third clear sign that you have lowered your standards is when you find that you are always the one making sacrifices and efforts for the relationship. Often times, this is coupled with neglecting your own needs. This usually leads to a mental exhaustion and emotional, with the feeling of losing one’s identity.”In a relationship, instead of constantly wanting to please the other, first ask yourself where your own fulfillment is.” recommends the psychologist.”And always look for a relationship based on mutual respect and effort shared equally by both members of the couple.“.

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