How to know if you are economical or stingy – the details you should know

How to know if you are economical or stingy

In times where many people’s finances are increasingly strained, it has become important to review your expenses and keep a tight grip on your money. Has that awareness perhaps caused someone to call you stingy? In fact, the difference between a miser and a financial person is greater than many people might think.

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Then you are a financial person

The savings economy Frida Bratt clears up the concepts and what it is that defines the negatively charged word stingy and what distinguishes a financial person.

She believes that economic thinking does not have to mean that you are stingy, although it is entirely possible to be stingy.

– I would say that a financial person is a person with control over income and expenses and who makes rational financial decisions based on facts. It can also be about a financially sound person with a good sense for, for example, investments. Economical does not necessarily have to be synonymous with stingy, but you can be, she says News24.

She also explains that a financial person can be generous, but that person is generous based on their financial ability.

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Then you can be perceived as stingy

A stingy person, on the other hand, has a significantly greater tendency not to open the wallet to a greater extent.

– A stingy job, on the other hand, I don’t think is as rational. Here, I think you have more kroner and ören for your eyes. You want to see a low price tag and you don’t want to open your wallet unless absolutely necessary. Which can both irritate the environment and lead to one being so called “stupid”.

In the event that you don’t want to risk becoming a person perceived as downright stingy, there are a few details you should keep in mind, says Bratt.

– I think you should try to be rational and try to put things in perspective. It’s good to be a conscious consumer and there’s nothing wrong with hunting for low price tags, but maybe it costs more than it’s worth in the end to hunt around and hunt for discounts.

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Frida Bratt is a savings economist at Nordnet Bank. Photo: Lars Pehrson/SvD/TT

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