How to give birth faster? These tricks that speed up labor

How to give birth faster These tricks that speed up

At the end of pregnancy, pregnant women are often anxious to give birth and seek tips to speed up labor to suffer a little less time. Here are effective techniques with the expertise of Sandrine Brame, midwife.

When labor contractions are felt, expectant mothers fear having a lingering birth and that exhausts them. There are many to look for how to give birth faster. While some techniques are mere guesses, there are tricks which have the merit of being put into practice a few days before the end for help baby lower into the pelvis. Explanations and advice from Sandrine Brame, midwife.

How to give birth faster with a balloon?

The pregnancy ball, also called Swiss Ball, is a useful tool to speed up labour. Indeed, the Swiss Ball makes it possible to do exercises that mobilize the pelvis, participate in the opening of the cervix, and promote the descent of the baby. These days, most delivery rooms have them. “It also helps to relieve lower back pain as well as pain related to contractions.specifies our interlocutor.

Which position to accelerate the opening of the cervix?

Several positions accelerate the opening of the cervix and thus the baby’s exit, in particular the sitting position astride having between the legs a Swiss Ball to hold on to, and the side lying position. “Each mum-to-be will change positions until she finds the one that is most comfortable for her”details the expert.

The absence of an epidural allows greater mobility of the lower limbs, so it is easier to test different positions, discussed beforehand with the midwife during preparation for childbirth. “Standing, squatting, on all fours, on a ball… It depends on what is manageable by the patient, but also on how baby lays her head. What is important is the preparation to know the different postures that can accompany labor and expulsion. It is simpler if upstream, we have already tested“, she adds.

What exercises to give birth faster?

“Childbirth is movement! To speed up labor and promote the baby’s descent into the pelvis, it is essential to move, walk, mobilize the pelvis while moving on a Swiss Ball“. The movement promotes contractions and the descent of the baby in the cervix, while encouraging him to place himself in the right position. The baby’s head will then press on the cervix, which will trigger the secretion oxytocin, the birth hormone.

“To speed up labor and promote the descent of the baby into the pelvis, it is essential to move, to walk, to mobilize the pelvis.”

What foods to give birth faster?

According to some beliefs, some foods to eat and drink may help speed up labor as you near term. Of course, you should talk about it beforehand with your midwife to make sure that it does not present any danger to your state of health, or that of your baby. Among the foods that would accelerate childbirth, we find:

  • Raspberry leaf teawhich contains a molecule that would help relax the uterus.
  • Dateswhich would have the same impact as oxytocin to trigger contractions.
  • Fresh pineapplethanks to the enzyme bromelain it contains and which would promote dilation of the cervix.
  • Spicy disheswhich would stimulate the intestine and thus the uterine contractions.

Does having sex speed up childbirth?

The effectiveness of this technique has not been scientifically proven. However, some say that intercourse would help induce labor since sperm contains natural prostaglandins which help mature the cervix. Orgasm leads to the production of oxytocin, the hormone of childbirth, and therefore contractions.

Does stimulating the nipples help to give birth faster?

Nipple stimulation would also be beneficial for giving birth faster. It would cause the production of oxytocin and, therefore, increase the frequency of contractions.

Other techniques to speed up labor include: acupuncture and homeopathy.None of these techniques are really scientifically validated, otherwise there would be no more outdated pregnancy terms. Only medicalized childbirth, with enlightened information for the patient on the artificial induction of labour, is recognized.“, shades the specialist.

Thanks to Sandrine Brame, midwife.
