How to get a mango tree from the almond?

How to get a mango tree from the almond

The mango (Mangifera indica) is an exotic fruit widely consumed in France. Its melting and sweet flesh surrounds a large kernel also called almond. How to get a shrub or a houseplant from this almond?

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Want to try to germinate a almond of mango to get a mango tree at home. Pretty indoor plant or small outdoor shrub, try the adventure. It is easy to do !

The germination of a mango pit

Once the mango peeled, remove the sweet flesh and keep the central almond. Scrape most of the remaining flesh with a knife. Then let it dry for about 24 hours so that the film (husk) around it can dry and come off more easily. With your fingers, spread the dry film to release the almond. It is from this that you will be able to grow a mango tree at home. Check the condition of the kernel, which may be blackened or dry. In this case, do not keep it. You must get an almond in good condition. Here are the steps to germinate mango kernel:

  • take a small container;
  • place cotton or absorbent paper in the bottom then place the almond carefully flat;
  • cover it with a layer of cotton or absorbent paper;
  • moisten with water until the cotton or paper is well soaked;
  • cover the container with a film of freshness which will retain the humidity;
  • make two or three holes in the plastic so that theair circulates inside;
  • place the container near a source of heatpreferably in a dark room.

Planting a mango kernel

Allow about two to three weeks for the almond germ and can be replanted in a jar. A more or less large germ has developed at the end of the kernel. How to successfully plant:

  • fill a small pot with horticultural soil;
  • Gently lay the sprouted almond flat, seed side down;
  • cover the germ with Earthwhile leaving the almond in the open air;
  • water the surface and place the pot at the lightexcluding the rays of Sun.

The germ will develop roots in the ground and a central stalk will appear after four to five days. Keep the soil cool but not too wet. The shrub will cover itself with evergreen, green and shiny, as it grows. Spray them regularly. After a month, replant it in a larger and above all higher pot because the mango has a taproot deep. Place it outdoors, from spring tofall, on a sunny position, without direct sun, the first year. The foliage could burn. You will enjoy its very shiny foliage. Don’t expect to have fruits because the mango tree requires tropical conditions to bear fruit.

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