Since the launch of Episode: Echoes, there has been an exotic mission in “The Final Shape” in Destiny 2 through which you can get your hands on the exotic class items. You can find out how to find the “Destiny Duel” mission and how to best farm the exotics here.
What are the Exotic Class Items? Since the Traveler was freed from the Witness and Episode: Echoes was launched, Guardians have been able to treat themselves to a new powerful item for their arsenal – the Exotic Class Items. These items fit into the class slot and are of an exotic nature.
The special thing about these items: they give your Guardian two additional effects from Exotic Armor. This means that if you put such an item on your Guardian, it would be as if you were wearing three Exotic Armor pieces. A practical thing, especially if you want to build a powerful build with the new Super “Prismatic”.
The problem, however, is that these items are not easy to get. You have to put in a little effort before you can put such a unique item on your arm, shoulders or hip. We will therefore show you briefly and thoroughly how you can quickly get hold of these Exos and how you can also quickly farm them.
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How to find the Exotic Class Items
How do I unlock the Exos? To earn the Exotic Class Items, you must unlock the Exotic Mission “Destiny Duel.” To unlock the mission, you must first complete The Final Shape campaign to gain access to the Pale Heart Patrol Zones.
Once you have done that, you now have to complete the regional activity “Overthrow” in the areas: the heel, the blossom and the dead end.
Once you’ve done that, the “Secret Keepers of the Witch Queen” will appear when you complete a “Overthrow” activity in the three areas. You must now find and defeat them. This means you must then play “Overthrow” again in each of the three areas and wipe out the three witches.
Nexxoss shows you from minute 1:24 where the individual witches are in the respective areas:
What you should keep in mind when defeating the witches
Completing the “Overthrow” activity activates a timer that slowly ticks down. In these 5 minutes, you must find and eliminate the witch in your area. If you don’t do that, the witch will despawn and you will have to complete Overthrow in the respective area again.
Once you have found and defeated the witches, you must return to the “The Blossom” area. When you spawn, you will see a green glowing pillar of light rising into the sky in the direction of the traveler’s opening. You must now go there. Follow the direction until you arrive in the cave “The Refraction”.
When you enter the cave, a 7-minute countdown starts. During this countdown, you must find your way out and go to the area where Ikora’s ship crashed. You will see two pyramids spawn. The areas under the pyramids must now be cleared of enemies until a herald and an omen spawn. Defeat both and they will each drop an orb of light and an orb of darkness.
You must quickly bring these orbs back to the cave “The Refraction of Light”. Depending on which orb you are holding in your hands, you must deposit it on a plate of darkness or light. Once you have done this, the mission “Destiny Duel” will be permanently activated. Now you must complete the mission and then you can bag a class item for your class.
Remember that you can only complete the mission as a duo squad. You will therefore need a colleague to help you. You cannot start the mission solo.
What is the best way to farm the Exos? There are two ways to farm the Exos:
Completing the mission will grant you a class item per run (approx. 20-30 minutes) depending on how quickly you complete it. The problem is that you always need to be in pairs. This would be a disadvantage, especially for solo players.
The variant with the crates in Subversion is easier and, above all, faster. Players have found that they were able to get an exotic class item after 15-20 minutes of farming. Streamers like Aztecross also recommend farming the crates in the areas where the Ergo-Sum can currently be farmed. This way you get the most out of your farming rounds.
Have you already managed to get hold of an exotic class item or are you still trying to find a second player? Let us know your opinion in the comments. Destiny 2 shows what awaits you after The Final Shape, talks about vampire hunters and captains