How to explain the record number of triangulars? – L’Express

How to explain the record number of triangulars – LExpress

Today, we are interested in the number of possible three-way races in the second round of the early legislative elections – a number that should be a record. Explanations from Olivier Pérou, senior reporter in the Political department of L’Express.

READ ALSO: Legislative elections: RN in the lead, NFP in ambush… Lessons from the first round


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The team: Charlotte Baris (presentation), Mathias Penguilly (writing), Jules Krot (editing and production).

Music and design: Emmanuel Herschon / Studio Torrent

Credits: France Info, M6, HuffPost, Europe 1, TikTok


Logo: Anne-Laure Chapelain / Benjamin Chazal

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Charlotte Baris: 310. This is the number of triangular possible during the second round of these early legislative elections. So you have understood, it is not geometry that we are going to talk about, but rather electoral results. Olivier, you are a senior reporter in the Political service and you followed the evening of the first round with attention. If you would like, we will start with a definition point: what is a “triangular”?

Olivier Peru: A three-way race is a situation where three candidates can remain in the second round. How is this possible? On paper, it’s very simple, but there is a subtlety, specific to these legislative elections: to reach the second round, you must obtain at least 12.5% ​​of the votes of the registeredI insist, not 12.5% ​​of the votes cast, but many people registered on the electoral lists of the constituency. A three-way race is therefore when there are three candidates who each obtained more than 12.5% ​​and who submit to the vote again in their constituency during the second round. In this case this year, there are 305 constituencies with a possibility of a three-way race and even five constituencies with a possibility of four-way races, therefore with four candidates who obtained 12.5% ​​of the votes of registered voters. That makes 310 in all, that’s more than half. It’s a record.

For further

“Emmanuel Macron forced to remain silent”: the legislative elections as seen by the foreign press

Legislative: 4 graphs to understand the RN’s historical score

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