How to eat at the right time using the hunger scale?

How to eat at the right time using the hunger

Hunger appears every four hours. Don’t overlook the importance of eating when you are truly hungry. It is about respecting your physiological needs.

What is hunger?

This is a signal sent by your body: it needs energy and is in deficit of contributions compared to its expenses.

On the same subject

The hunger signals come in when all of your previous meal has been digested. They are accompanied by a feeling of hollow in the stomach, which can become painful when the hunger becomes too much.

This feeling can even lead to weakness in the body, accompanied by dizziness that can reach hypoglycemia.

How to recognize satiety?

Satiety, on the other hand, appears when your hunger goes out. If you eat while respecting your feeling of fullness, your stomach will be satisfied. You feel a sense of well-being, a balance and a boost of energy.

However, it is sometimes difficult to respect your bodily sensations or not to indulge in too much gluttony.

If your stomach is heavy, your body may have been swallowing more nutrients than it needs.

What foods promote satiety?

Foods rich in fiber are excellent allies for fully feeling the feeling of fullness. Fruits, whole grains, vegetables and even legumes are full of it.

The feeling of satiety appears approximately 20 minutes after the start of the meal. In order to respect your body, your needs and your biological clock, be sure to take the time to enjoy your meals.

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