How to dress baby at night: summer, winter, in case of fever

How to dress baby at night summer winter in case

A baby’s temperature normally ranges between 37 and 37.5 degrees. But his thermal system is still immature and baby quickly gets cold or hot! How to dress him to sleep at night, according to the seasons and the temperatures so that he feels good? Advice.

During his first two months, your child has difficulty regulating his body temperature which is between 37° and 37°5. Baby is very sensitive to temperature variations and his body must expend a lot of energy to cope with it. As proof, your child often has cool extremities, which does not mean that he is cold but that his body is adapting. “This is the reason why it is particularly necessary to protect the baby’s extremities (feet, hands, head) and avoid going out when the thermometer drops below 5°C. Conversely, when it is hot, baby’s internal thermostat increases the secretion of sweat so that the body temperature remains stable. Hence the importance of uncover baby in order to let his perspiration escape“, explains Aurélia Dubuc.

The simple image to know how to dress your baby at night

Depending on the temperature of the baby’s room, in summer or in winter, here is an infographic that will allow you to find your way around dress baby properly before sleeping. Bodysuit with long or short sleeves, pajamas and sleeping bags, hat and socks… Here are the different configurations recommended for dress baby at night.

How to dress baby at night to sleep? © Women’s Journal

What is the temperature in the baby’s room?

The ideal temperature of the baby’s room is located between 18 and 20 degrees.

Which sleeping bag to use at night depending on the temperature?

For baby to sleep safely and feel good, the sleeping bag must be well adapted to its size. Also be sure to choose its thickness according to the temperature in your child’s room. “Many sleeping bags today have a heat rating called TOG. A TOG 2 is well suited for rooms where the temperature is between 18°C ​​and 20°C, which is recommended. Below, baby will wear a bodysuit and pajamas. In summer, when temperatures rise, it is better to opt for a TOG sleeping bag 1. Very light, they are often made of cotton muslin. Below, a short-sleeved bodysuit and/or light pajamas are sufficient “, explains Aurélia Dubuc. Also be sure to choose a model that makes it easy to change baby in the middle of the night, without having to remove the whole sleeping bag.

If you do not want to use a sleeping bag to put baby to sleep, a pajama (worn over pajamas or bodysuit) can completely replace the sleeping bag. You can also opt for velvet pajamas or two-piece pajamasmore or less hot depending on the temperature.

We are talking about fever when baby’s body temperature exceeds 38°C while it is neither overcovered nor exposed to strong heat. Today pediatricians no longer recommend lowering the temperature at all costs and advise to worry only if the child shows discomfort. If your baby has a temperature, it must therefore be discovered to facilitate the evacuation of heat. In winter, just put him in light pajamas, in summer a short-sleeved bodysuit. At the same time, offer him a drink regularly, apply a cool washcloth to his forehead and, if he really shows signs of discomfort, supplement these measures with paracetamol at the recommended doses.“, explains Aurélia Dubuc who advises to consult the attending physician in the presence of other symptoms or if the baby is less than 3 months old.

In autumn or winter, when it is colder, your child should not be too covered to sleep well…. Baby will be comfortable with a long-sleeved bodysuit, pajamas and a sleeping bag“, explains Aurélia Dubuc.

How to dress baby at night in summer?

As soon as the room temperature exceeds 22°C, it is better to opt for a light sleeping bag (TOG 1)with just a short-sleeved bodysuit and/or light pajamas underneath “, advises Aurélia Dubuc, perinatal companion and author of the book Girls, I’m pregnant!”(Ed. Leduc). If the temperatures rise, layers will have to be removed. If it’s really hot outside, baby can sleep in a very light sleeping bag or a loose, light cotton t-shirt.

Like us baby hate it heat wave ! It will have to be covered as little as possible. However, keep in mind that some babies don’t like to be naked. The ideal is therefore to leave them layered with a light, loose-fitting cotton t-shirt : it will form a protective “cocoon” around baby, while allowing air to circulate and absorbing perspiration“, explains Aurélia Dubuc.
