How to do a roof cleaning?

How to do a roof cleaning

Roof cleaning is an essential operation for a durable, resistant and functional roof. But how do you clean your roof? How much do roof cleaning and moss removal work cost? Find the answers to these questions in our comprehensive guide to roof cleaning methods.

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Over time, foams, lichens and mold appear on the roof covering. But not only, the debris of the surrounding plants can easily invade and dirty the roof. This dirt often causes rapid deterioration of the roof. In addition, they can clog the gutters. In this situation, it is necessary to plan rather quickly a cleaning of the roof. This is a necessary intervention to eliminate this debris, give the roof a nice look and guarantee its longevity.

Cleaning a roof: how to go about it?

Cleaning the roof is an important task for a functional and durable roof. It is practiced at least once every year. Thanks to regular roof cleaning and defoaming, a household avoids having to undertake costly roof repairs. Note that this type of renovation of the roof is more expensive. So it is preferable to always take good care of your cover, favoring frequent cleaning. How to do ?

What are the elements to be cleaned on the roof?

When cleaning a roof, several structures must be cleaned or maintained. These different elements include:

  • The main cover: cleaning this part is essential. It is the most important structure to protect the occupants of a home.
  • Roof openings: these are dormers, frames, roof windows … Always check the tightness of these structures.
  • Various fixings on the roof: cleaning a roof also involves maintaining the fixings at the edges, ridge, roof edges, solar panels, etc.
  • Ventilation: it is important to make sure that the ventilation grilles and the opening of this roof element are properly held.
  • The projections: many birds build their nests on the roof. The protrusions can easily be damaged due to this situation. When cleaning the roof, remove any nesting swarms or nests. In addition, it is essential to check the tightness of these parts of the roof.
  • Gutters: these elements ensure the drainage of water from the roof. When cleaning the roof, remember to also maintain the gutters. Just as it is essential to make checks to ensure its proper functioning. Note that blocked gutters create a risk of water infiltration through the roof.

What are the techniques for cleaning a roof?

How to clean the roof? It is preferable to contact a professional in the matter to ensure this type of operation. Cleaning a roof is quite delicate and dangerous. In addition, cleaning and defoaming the roof requires certain techniques.

  • High pressure roof cleaning: this is an intervention consisting in the use of high pressure jet equipment pressure on the roof. This technique makes it possible to perfectly eliminate the various dirt invading this structure. Indeed, it makes it possible to obtain a satisfactory rendering.
  • L’application anti-foam products diluted with water: this technique is performed using a sprayer. The product is placed on the roof to act for approximately 24 hours. After this time, the roofer-cleaner rinses and removes more easily the waste of the roof.
  • The no-rinse anti-foam treatment: this kind of product is quite difficult to handle. Only a professional can take care of this treatment. After a few months, you have to think about waterproofing your roof for a complete treatment.
  • The use of defoamer curative or preventive: this type of treatment makes it possible to perfectly eliminate the mosses and lichens invading its roof. In addition, it also helps protect its roof and prevent the risk of invasion of these pests.

What is the price of a professional roof cleaning?

The cost of roof cleaning by a specialist varies depending on the region, the condition of the roof and the extent of the work. The average price of a professional roof cleaning is currently between 18 and 35 € per m². However, this is an indicative price which fluctuates depending on the technique used. With this in mind, it is advisable to request a roof cleaning quote to know the exact cost. Indeed, it is a practical approach to accurately estimate the prices of interventions to clean a roof.

What is the price of roof cleaning according to the interventions?

Wondering about the cost to properly clean your roof? The price of this type of operation varies depending on the treatments to be performed. But not only, its cost can also fluctuate depending on the type of coverage at the level of its roof. To learn more, here is a table summarizing the price of roof cleaning according to the treatment to be applied:

Types of roof treatment and cleaningAverage price per square meter
Simple roof treatmentBetween 9 and 16 €
Cleaning with water repellent treatmentBetween 18 and 22 €
Anti-foam treatment to clean a roofBetween 18 and 25 €
Anti-foam solution, water repellent, roof cleaningBetween 22 and 34 €
Roof cleaning with guttersBetween 55 and 160 €

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