How to disinherit your child – the family adviser: “Everything can be solved…”

Discussing how the inheritance should be distributed to relatives can be a difficult topic for many to discuss. Some may simply find it difficult to talk about what happens after someone dies.

But despite the challenges the inheritance discussion brings, it is important to make it clear to loved ones what your wish and will are.

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Can children be disinherited?

In some cases, it may even be that your wish is that one of your children should not be allowed to share in the inheritance, for one reason or another.

According to Swedish law, there is a statutory lot that protects so-called breast heirs, primarily children and grandchildren. The legal title stands over any wills and last wills. However, the legal lot refers to 50 percent of your inheritance, which means that you have control over the remaining half and can therefore distribute it as you wish.

At the government office website the law on inheritance rights is explained, where it is clear that a breast heir has the right to receive his inheritance.

“A breast heir has the right to get his statutory lot, even if the deceased has decided through a will that the estate should go to someone else in whole or in part. To get his legal lot, the breast heir must request adjustment of the will.”

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The family counselor: “Get help”

Against the backdrop of that has News24 therefore talked to Helena von der Esch, ownership strategy advisor to families at independent wealth advisor Formue. She shares her experience and recommendations in case you are thinking about excluding any child from the part of your inheritance that you have control over.

– Everything can be solved according to my experience. However, I would strongly recommend that you take the help of a family lawyer if you have these thoughts. I always collaborate with our skilled family lawyers who possess a unique competence in finding solutions.

And while it is difficult and perhaps downright uncomfortable to talk about inheritance and what will happen to your assets after death, it is an important thing to sort out. This is facilitated by enlisting the help of an external adviser.

– Then the conversation is simplified by someone who dares and can take responsibility helping to support the process in a professional manner. It is crucial that this person is neutral and, among other things, knows that the task is not to take the side of anyone or a few and is responsible for everyone getting involved, von der Esch explains to Nyheter24.

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