How to Delete Multiple Photos on Instagram – Mobile

How to Delete Multiple Photos on Instagram Mobile

Instagram mass photo deletion is for users who constantly share pictures, images and videos and want to clean up their old content. quite practical is a method. Instagram had a great change and development in 2021. Now is We are in 2022 and millions of users share millions of content every day. Especially businesses that share 3-5 pictures every day can suffer from this in the later stages. not just photography, mass delete reels and videos process may be required. So how are these procedures done? Let’s talk about that now.

Steps to Delete Instagram Multiple Photos

  1. Open the Instagram app and go to your profile area.
  2. Click on the categories, that is, the 3 lines in the upper right corner.
  3. From the window that opens, enter the option of gestures, go to the photos and videos section.
  4. Go to the area you want to clear multiple from the post, video, reels options.
  5. Activate the select option in the upper right corner and clean it in bulk.

What Does Multiple Photo Deletion Do?

If you manage an account on Instagram that shares a lot of content, you may want to delete your old content and for this, deleting posts in bulk instead of deleting them one by one will save time and make your job easier.
