How to cure 20 toothache? What are the symptoms of 20 toothache, does it cause a sore throat?

Toothache is one of the conditions that make life difficult for people. It can even cause tooth loss if not intervened in time. There are many factors that cause toothache. Many different factors such as caries, fillings, abscesses play a big role in the emergence of toothache. Among these pains, 20 toothache has a different place. Because this pain is caused by the emergence of a new tooth. Teething occurs not only in babies, but also in older ages.

How to cure 20 toothache?

20-year-old toothache is one of the most common toothaches. It is a condition that causes serious discomfort to the person. The number of teeth that should be in the mouth of adult individuals is known as 32. In order for these teeth to reach the number 32, they must come out in their 20 teeth. The eruption of wisdom teeth may be easier for some people and more difficult for others. Especially in people with narrow jaw structure, the eruption of these teeth causes both more pain and prolongation of this process. These teeth begin to erupt sometimes after the age of 17 and sometimes after the age of 20. However, it is mostly seen between the ages of 20 and 30.

It is defined as the most painful and troublesome toothache in our society. The wisdom teeth are the third molars that people usually erupt between the ages of 17 and 25. There are four wisdom teeth in the mouth: one on each side of the upper and lower jaws. However, some people may not naturally have wisdom teeth, or some people may only have one or fewer wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth, also known as wisdom teeth, can sometimes be impacted. Being buried causes more pain. In some cases, the erupted tooth may become crooked or push the tooth next to it and cause pain in that tooth. It is very important to consult a dentist for abnormal tooth pain.

What are the symptoms of toothache in the 20s?

20-year-old toothache may appear earlier in some people, while it may occur later in others. First of all, experts recommend that you go to a dentist without losing time when there are unusual situations in this type of toothache. The exit direction of wisdom teeth is very important. Some can come out in a much shorter time and more easily, while others can remain buried or come out halfway. In such cases, surgical procedures are often used.

It can also damage other teeth after wisdom teeth erupt. The teeth that cannot find a place in the mouth begin to push the other teeth. As a result, slippage can be observed in other teeth. To understand whether the toothache is caused by the wisdom tooth, the symptoms are looked at. Toothache symptoms in this context include:

  • A throbbing pain felt in the roots of the teeth
  • Sharpness on the wisdom tooth when it is checked with the tongue
  • Pain felt at the root of the tooth and extending to the jawbone
  • Hypersensitivity in the gingiva in the area of ​​the wisdom tooth
  • Extreme pain when chewing, especially while eating
  • Headache
  • Difficulty opening the mouth
  • Swelling in the cheek area
  • Swelling in the chin area
  • Bad breath
  • Sore throat
  • pain radiating to the ear
  • Pain radiating to the neck
  • Swelling of the lymph nodes

The above symptoms are among the symptoms of wisdom toothache. Some or all of these symptoms may be seen. When wisdom teeth come out, more attention should be paid to oral hygiene. It is extremely important to consult a dentist who is an expert in the field before using any medication for this pain.

How to cure 20-year-old toothache with home treatment?

A 20-year-old toothache is a pain that seriously bothers most people. It is very important to go to the doctor first, not only in wisdom toothache, but also in toothache that does not go away and lasts for a very long time. However, there are a few simple methods you can do at home before going to the doctor. The first thing to do to protect the health of teeth and gums is undoubtedly oral cleaning. One of the methods that can be done at home is to pay extra attention to oral hygiene. When they have a toothache, most people don’t even want to brush their teeth. However, this is one of the biggest mistakes made. In case of 20-year-old toothache, oral cleaning should be continued and brushing is recommended even if the gums hurt. Methods for 20 toothache at home:

  • Clove spice is used very often in toothaches. A small clove can be left on the aching wisdom tooth until it softens.
  • Wisdom teeth are often swollen. Ice can be applied externally to reduce this swelling and pain.
  • Choosing a higher pillow at night can help reduce pain.
  • Garlic acts as a natural antibiotic. Crushing some garlic and putting it on the aching area can be effective in reducing the pain.

Does a 20-year-old toothache cause a sore throat?

A sore throat is among the symptoms of wisdom toothache. Inflammation may occur in the area of ​​the wisdom tooth. This inflammation can spread to the throat, causing an infection in the throat. As a result, a feeling of pain in the throat occurs.

Does 20-year-old toothache cause a headache?

Headache is one of the 20 toothache symptoms. The severe mouth that occurs in wisdom tooth pain can also spread to the head area. The tooth and the head area are connected to each other. Therefore, headaches can be seen along with toothache.

How many days does wisdom toothache last?

Wisdom toothache is defined as a painful process that continues until the tooth erupts. In wisdom teeth, which can easily find their way through the gingiva, the pain decreases in an average of 48 hours. However, in some cases, this tooth remains impacted, either not coming out at all or coming out too late. This process can take up to two weeks. It is very important to visit a dentist in case of toothache that lasts for a long time.
