How to create your blog as a student?

How to create your blog as a student

Are you studying IT, communication or even marketing? The idea of ​​creating a professional blog for a community or potential recruiters has certainly crossed your mind …

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Find out how a blog as a student would allow you to booster your e-reputation and what visibility strategies could allow you to reach your goals.

Why have a blog while studying?

The blog is dead? Far from there ! This experience, which consists of creating your own space for expression, building your future professional network and demonstrating your expertise, which is gradually developing, can be a real springboard for the future.

  • Think of it as a complementary CV and which will give much more convincing elements thana resume on an A4 page.
  • The blog is a tool that serves to enrich your e-reputation and set you apart from potential competitors in the job market.
  • Learn, test, exploit … This is the opportunity to learn in the field at your own pace and to store as much knowledge as possible that will serve you when it is time to apply to companies.
  • Promote your know-how and your background by sharing your experience. This medium is your medium, you can control the message and the speech so that it looks like you 100%.

Finally, creating a blog when you are a student is also an opportunity to face professional constraints since you have to organize yourself, get to know your audience, acquire more technical skills, discover new tools at the service of your visibility, promote …

SEO, kézako?

But to get qualified results, it is essential to bet on SEO. To summarize in a few words, these are good practices and optimization techniques that make it possible to appear in the first results of search engine.

Concretely ? In order for the audience you want to reach to find you, you must select specifically adapted keywords and implement them naturally in your content. If this area is completely new to you, professionals like the team atSEO agency Uplix offer training or a newsletter dedicated to SEO to learn more about creating SEO friendly content.

How to maintain a special relationship with its readers?

To stand out from other sites that deal with the same theme, you can bet on the creation of high added value content but also pamper your readers. Have you ever thought about testing a marketing automation solution ? This innovative alternative allows you to delegate some time-consuming tasks to focus on the elements that have more value.

The goal? Analyze the behavior of your readers (or your prospects if you are considering a B2B relationship) and maintain a privileged relationship. For example, if you offer your readers to download a white paper, you will get their email addresses. You can then imagine a workflow (which can be translated as an operational process) which will start the dialogue and develop an engaged community:

  • a welcome email;
  • offer blog articles specifically dedicated to your newsletter subscribers;
  • if you are organizing a webinar-type event, you can send several emails at regular intervals to make reminders, send personalized content, send digital gifts …

The possibilities are numerous and these very powerful tools help you to have a more precise knowledge of the people who are viewing your content. In addition, this behavioral tracking also allows you to consider more in-depth visibility or engagement strategies.

Thinking well about your blog and your loyalty strategy are the foundations for creating a platform that will last over time. This introspection before starting is ideal so as not to groped forward but to adopt professional behaviors from the start!

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