How to create a mosquito repellent citronella candle?

How to create a mosquito repellent citronella candle

When dining out is no longer fun due to the many mosquitoes that gravitate around you, what can you do but apply mosquito repellent? Do not hesitate to multiply the solutions to keep them away, such as burning coffee grounds, installing a fan and… creating a citronella candle! Find out how to make one yourself.

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The lemongrass is a essential oil known for its mosquito repellent effects. There are actually several types of essential oils lemongrass : that of Java, Ceylon, Madagascar, but also the one called lemongrass. The plants from which they come are part of the family of grassesnevertheless, the one that would possess the greatest effectiveness against mosquitoes would be Ceylon essential oil. It would also soothe itching. The significantly different essential oil of lemongrass from Java can also be used to create a mosquito repellent candle.

What to plan to make a mosquito repellent candle?

Making a candle for fight against mosquitoes requires minimal hardware. You will therefore need to bring:

  • a glass jar such as a small jar, jar of jam or yogurt ;
  • sequins of beeswax or of soy ;
  • lemongrass essential oil from Ceylon (or, failing that, Java);
  • a cotton candle wick;
  • a small saucepan;
  • a small bowl;
  • a clothes peg or Chinese chopsticks still associated;
  • a spatula.

What are the stages of making a mosquito repellent candle?

  1. First of all, it is advisable to prepare your equipment well so that you have it on hand when making your repellent candle against mosquitoes. Start by properly washing the chosen glass jar and protecting the table or the surface on which you are going to make your candle.
  2. Measure the length of the wick by positioning it at the bottom of the jar and extending it beyond the glass container, then cut it. Use the pliers to laundry or chopsticks, placing them horizontally on either side of the edges to hold the wick. You can also pour a little wax into the bottom of the jar to immobilize the wick.
  3. To find out how much wax to melt, fill the jar with glitter to the brim, as it melts, the level will lower. Melt them in a bain-marie in the bowl, stirring with the spatula until the wax is completely melted.
  4. add essential oil of lemongrass (for 200 grams, provide about 20 drops) and mix well so that itamalgam with the wax.
  5. The final stage of preparation consists of filling the pot with glass with preparation for candle with lemongrass. Be careful, the wax freezes quickly, so it is advisable to avoid running it over the edges for a nice effect.
  6. When your mosquito repellent candle has completely cooled, do not deprive yourself of the satisfaction of lighting it to test it!

A variant of mosquito repellent candle

For an increased mosquito repellent effect, do not hesitate to combine several essential oils. Some are known to have repellent properties. Thus, you can combine the following essential oils with Ceylon lemongrass essential oil:

You are not obligated to use all of these essential oils. For example, you can incorporate three different kinds into the melted wax.

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