How to continue cycling despite the cold and snow

How to continue cycling despite the cold and snow

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    France is experiencing a particularly cold week, accompanied in certain regions by snowfall. These difficult conditions should not, however, prevent cyclists from continuing to take the road, while taking some precautions. Discover our tips for riding safely when winter is harsh.

    To stop being cold

    The best way to fight the cold while cycling is obviously to cover yourself from head to toe. You should not hesitate to use more layers, which, in addition to avoiding being cold, also protects you from ambient humidity. In winter, a cyclist’s equipment should in principle include a vest and pants that allow breathing while keeping the body warm, to which must be added underwear suitable for low temperatures. In addition, it is also possible to opt for underpants, a hat under your helmet, gloves and very thick socks. Today there are also heated insoles for greater comfort. As for those who are more chilly, they can also opt for a hood, neck warmer, anti-cold arm warmers and leg warmers.

    To avoid falling

    It’s no secret that snow and ice are particularly dangerous for cyclists. You should therefore drive very carefully, starting by adapting your speed to the road conditions. You should also think about extending braking distances and being more vigilant on anything that could represent a danger and be slippery, such as manhole covers or pedestrian crossings. In these conditions, it is strongly recommended to lower the tire pressure a little (winter, preferably) so that they have a larger surface area in contact with the ground and therefore better grip.

    To see more clearly

    In winter, night falls early. You must therefore be able to see well but also be seen well by other road users. This is why it is essential to check that all the lights on the bike are working properly. To this, you must add a safety vest or reflective clothing so that you can be seen from afar. From light-up helmets to reflective armbands and wheel bars, there’s never enough to stand out. Finally, it is also advisable to equip yourself with a danger spacer to keep motorists at a safe distance.

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