How to consume pine cone jam? How much is the maximum amount of pine cone jam used per day?

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Pine cones can be obtained from any pine tree. It is possible to consume the collected pine cones as jam or syrup. It is also known that it supports the treatment processes of some diseases as long as it is consumed consciously. Ready-made pine cone jam can be bought from herbalists or markets. It is also possible to prepare at home. Cones collected from pine trees can take their place on the table as jam after they are thoroughly cleaned. If consumed in the required amount, it helps to fight many diseases.

How to make pine cone jam?

Pine cone jam, which is frequently preferred on breakfast tables, especially in winter, can be easily prepared at home. Ingredients needed to make pinecone jam:

  • Thirty forty small pinecones (Green baby cones)
  • One and a half liters of clean drinking water
  • One and a half kilos of granulated sugar
  • Juice of half a lemon

Pine cone jam recipe:

  • Collected cones should be thoroughly washed and cleaned.
  • Cones are boiled in a saucepan with water.
  • One and a half liters of granulated sugar is added to the cones, which are boiled for about an hour.
  • It is boiled by stirring occasionally and cleaning the rising foams. (The foams formed should be taken with a wooden spoon.)
  • Lemon juice is added to cones whose consistency becomes jam-like.
  • After boiling for five minutes, it is removed from the stove.
  • It is filled into jars after the first temperature rises.
  • Inverted jars can be consumed after keeping them for twelve hours.

How to consume pine cone jam?

After making pine cone jam, it can be used at breakfast tables. It can be spread on bread or consumed alone. There are also those who prefer to eat it mixed with tahini or yogurt. It is a food that should not be consumed more than one tablespoon a day. How much pine cone jam should be eaten in a day?

The recommended amount of pinecone jam is at most one tablespoon per day. Consuming more may cause some possible damage. It should not be consumed without consulting a doctor. Different allergic reactions can be seen in different bodies.

What diseases is pine cone jam good for?

It is known that pine cone jam is good for some diseases. It is mainly seen as a healing store in respiratory diseases. People with diseases such as asthma and bronchitis can use it as a supplement. It has expectorant properties. It can be consumed on an empty stomach in the morning. It is a type of jam that is frequently preferred especially on cold winter days. The benefits of pine cone jam can be listed as follows:

  • It is known to be a beneficial nutrient for the skin. It is said to renew and rejuvenate the skin.
  • It is used as a supplement for upper respiratory tract diseases.
  • It increases the body’s resistance against possible colds, colds and flu.
  • It is known to give energy.
  • It is good for cough.
  • It is known to clear the lungs.
  • It renews cells against cell damage in the body.
  • It heals irritated skin and wounds, especially oral wounds.
  • It is also used in dental care. It is known to strengthen the gums.
  • It has the feature of protecting the body from germs and viruses.
  • It cleans the parasites and microbes formed in the intestine.
  • It is known as heart friendly.
  • Pine cones also help people with focusing problems.
  • It also has a positive effect on hormones.
  • It is expectorant.
  • It is a food preferred by people who have sleep problems. It is known to help with sleep patterns.
  • It is seen as a remedy in cases of vascular occlusion.
  • It is good for the stomach, prevents stomach ailments and stomach pains.

Are there any side effects or harms of pine cone jam?

As with all foods, jam made from pine cones should not be used more than the recommended amount during the day. Otherwise, it may cause some side effects. For this reason, it would be better to consume it with the approval of the doctor. In case of excessive consumption of pine cone jam, digestive problems may occur. In addition, due to the amount of sugar it contains, excessive consumption causes blood sugar to rise suddenly. Pine cone jam, which can cause different reactions in different bodies, may cause some health problems.

Especially expectant mothers, people with chronic diseases, people with allergic conditions, people who use drugs or who are in the treatment process of a disease should be more careful. If consumed excessively, it can cause some problems, especially for the stomach.
