How to consume kefir? When to drink kefir?

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Kefir has recently become an indispensable alternative for individuals who want to have a healthy diet and diet. Kefir is a highly satisfying beverage, especially preferred for snacks. Kefir is a dairy product that can be obtained from sheep, goat or cow’s milk. Kefir contains a large amount of probiotics. Thanks to these probiotics, kefir is very beneficial for intestinal health. Kefir is also a very useful food for the immune system and digestive system. Portion control is also important when consuming kefir, which has such a strong content. Consuming high doses of kefir can do more harm than good.

When to drink kefir?

Kefir, which originated from ancient times, mainly from the Balkans, Eastern Europe and the Caucasus, began to spread among Muslims later on. Kefir is made with milk acid by a special fermentation method. Kefir is a very useful food for the human body with calcium, protein and vitamins in its content. There is no specific time frame for consuming kefir. Kefir can be consumed if desired. The amount of consumption is important when consuming only kefir. Kefir, like other natural foods, should not be consumed excessively. For adults, it is recommended not to consume more than two glasses of kefir per day.

Is kefir to be drunk on an empty stomach or on a full stomach?

Kefir can be consumed in the right amount and consumed whenever the individual wishes. Consuming it in the morning on an empty stomach can provide more benefits to the digestive system. The probiotics in kefir make the intestines work better with kefir consumed on an empty stomach.

How to consume kefir?

The consumption of kefir may vary in direct proportion to how the individual would like to consume it. If the individual prefers, kefir can be consumed simply. People who do not like the plain taste of kefir can sweeten the kefir with fruit flavors or directly with fruits. Fruit-flavored kefirs are also available in grocery stores, or home-made kefir can be sweetened with fruit. For children’s consumption, plain kefir can also be sweetened with honey or nuts. So, how to sweeten plain kefir?

Individuals can consume kefir plain or sweetened according to their preferences. Since plain kefir has a slightly more sour taste, it is preferred by some people or children to sweeten it. It is possible to sweeten kefir with fruits, honey or nuts. Children especially enjoy consuming kefir with fruit.

Kefir is a food that can be made at home. 1 liter of milk, which is the main ingredient of kefir, is first boiled. The creams formed during boiling are removed. Then the milk is cooled and waited until it reaches about 20 degrees. Then kefir grains are added and mixed. It is then covered with a clean cloth. It is kept in a dark and cool room for about 2 days. Then it is filtered and kefir is formed. Kefir should be consumed in a short time.

The benefits of drinking kefir on an empty stomach in the morning

It is not correct to give a specific time to drink kefir. Individuals can consume kefir whenever they want according to their own preferences. It is thought to have an extra contribution for individuals who want to consume it on an empty stomach in the morning. Thanks to the probiotics in kefir, it is thought to be more effective during the day as it will work the intestines and speed up the digestive system. Those who are on a diet or want to lose weight can consume it on an empty stomach in the morning and make their excretory systems work more. So, what happens when you drink kefir?

Kefir is a milk-derived product with many benefits. We can list the benefits of kefir as follows:

  • It has positive effects on the digestive system and intestines with the probiotics it contains.
  • It has a positive effect on bone health as it is a nutrient with a high calcium content.
  • Balances cholesterol.
  • It has positive effects on blood sugar.
  • Due to its high antioxidant content, it supports cell regeneration.
  • It is a food that helps support the immune system.
  • It has been shown to have positive effects on allergies and asthma.
  • It is known to be good for ailments such as sleep disorders, stress and depression.

How to consume kefir in the diet?

Individuals on a diet can make their digestive systems work more easily by adding kefir to their meals. In this way, it will support the slimming process more. It is recommended to consume kefir in the morning on an empty stomach during diet periods. It will make the bowels work more easily during the day. According to some experts, kefir consumption one hour before bedtime also supports the metabolism. It will be better to drink plain kefir while dieting. Fruit-flavored kefir bought from grocery stores can be high in calories and sugar. It would be a better choice to sweeten plain kefir at home.

How to consume kefir for constipation?

Constipation is a condition that can be resolved with natural foods. Kefir is also a food that regulates intestinal health and works the intestines. A glass of kefir consumed in the morning on an empty stomach and at night before going to bed will have positive effects on the digestive system. With regular consumption of kefir, the intestinal and digestive system will work more accurately.
