How to consume dried mulberry? What is dried mulberry useful for, how to make dried mulberry?

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Mulberry fruit is among the most consumed fruits in summer. It can be consumed fresh as well as dried. While fresh mulberry is consumed directly, dried mulberry can be consumed both directly and by adding it to various foods and beverages. In addition, canned mulberry can be boiled with water and drunk. Dried mulberry, which can be obtained from herbalists or markets, is also known as a cure for many diseases. Drying fresh mulberry at home is also an extremely easy process. Mulberry gives the body the energy it needs. It is used against constipation.

How to consume dried mulberry?

Each food and beverage has a daily recommended consumption amount. When consumed more than this consumption amount, foods and beverages can cause allergic reactions and toxic properties in the body, as well as cause some discomfort. Dried mulberry should also be consumed in recommended amounts. Dried mulberry can be eaten directly, and the juice obtained by boiling for a few minutes with water can also be drunk. Since it contains high protein, dried mulberry should not be consumed more than the recommended amount. So, how much should you eat dried mulberry per day?

The recommended daily amount of dried mulberry is a handful per day. Consuming more may cause some side effects, especially for people with sensitive structures. It will be healthier to use it in consultation with a specialist doctor.

Dried mulberry can be easily obtained ready-made. However, it is also possible to dry the fresh mulberry with the possibilities at home. Dried mulberry is prepared at home as follows:

  • Fresh mulberries to be dried are placed on the baking tray.
  • The oven is set to 60 degrees.
  • The baking tray, on which the mulberries are arranged at intervals, is placed in the oven.
  • It is dried by checking from time to time for a maximum of 5 hours.

It is also possible to dry the mulberry under the sun by placing it on a tray outside the oven. The amount of wet mulberry to be dried is cleaned and arranged on a tray. During the sun hours, it can be dried by stirring occasionally, but this process will take a long time. Can dried mulberry, which can be dried both in the oven and in the sun, be washed?

Like other vegetables and fruits, mulberry is among the foods that should be consumed by washing. The dried mulberry should also be washed in order to get rid of the dust on it. However, since mulberry has a delicate and small-grained structure, it should be washed with a different method. It should be cleaned without pressing and rubbing too much. Fresh or dried mulberries placed in a bowl can be purified from their dirt by changing the water several times.

What are dried mulberries useful for?

Dried mulberry, which can be consumed in many different forms, is a cure for various health problems with the variety of vitamins and minerals it contains. The benefits of dried mulberry are generally as follows:

  • It contains high amount of vitamin C.
  • It contains vitamins B1, B2 and K.
  • It supports and protects the proper functioning of the digestive system.
  • It contains high levels of iron and calcium.
  • It has a strong antioxidant property.
  • It is useful in kidney diseases.
  • It is supportive for gum diseases. It is known to strengthen teeth.
  • It is used as a natural antibiotic, especially in cold winter days.
  • It is good for bones and supports their development.
  • It helps to cope with liver problems.
  • It is used in skin diseases, eczema treatment processes.
  • It gives energy to the body.
  • It has an indigestion relieving effect.
  • It is known to be good for memory and strengthen memory.
  • It has appetite enhancing properties.
  • It accelerates the metabolism and helps it to work healthily.
  • It helps fight cancer cells.
  • It can be consumed against anemia.

The juice obtained by boiling the dried mulberry can be applied to the skin with the help of a cotton ball. In this way, it is known that it is good for some skin problems. It can also be used for this purpose, provided that the doctor’s approval is obtained.

Are there any harm or side effects of dried mulberry?

In case of excessive consumption, dried mulberry causes some side effects like any other food. It should be consumed consciously in consultation with a specialist doctor. Particular attention should be paid to people with allergic structures, expectant mothers, nursing mothers, and people with sensitive structures. Some of the side effects that can occur when it is eaten more than necessary are as follows:

  • May be inconvenient for diabetics. It can cause blood sugar spikes.
  • Some people with sensitive skin may experience some allergic reactions.
  • There is also the possibility that it can cause skin cancer, albeit at a low rate.
  • Especially people who are in the chemotherapy process should not consume dried mulberry.

Does dried mulberry cause diarrhea?

Dried mulberry is a food that helps to relieve constipation. It has supportive properties for the intestines and stomach to work healthily. It relieves constipation by being consumed on an empty stomach. However, it can also cause diarrhea if consumed in excess. It should be consumed consciously and in adequate amounts.
