How to consume black elderberry? How to use black elderberry?

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Black elderberry has different colors such as white, purple and red. It is of great importance to consume black elderberry correctly, as some species can be poisonous. Black elderberry, which is a source of vitamin C, is also frequently used in medicine and cosmetics today. It can be among the fruits that you will love very much with its tiny tiny fruits and fragrant scent. The elderberry, which belongs to the honeysuckle family, is known with different names such as “pawlet”, “sultanotu”, “telligelin” and “mindiraç”, especially the black elderberry. Having an important place in the field of alternative medicine, elderberry is one of the fruits that are very popular both in the country and abroad. It is possible to come across this fruit frequently, especially in Germany. Blue, burgundy and black fruits emerge from the fruit that opens white flowers. This valuable plant, which has an important place in the treatment of many diseases, can also be consumed as elderberry syrup against flu and colds.

How to consume black elderberry?

By consuming black elderberry in different ways, you can benefit from its benefits in many areas. Black elderberry itself should not be considered a fruit that is recommended to be eaten raw by itself. It should not be eaten raw, as it contains components that can be harmful. It is much more convenient to consume this fruit by boiling it.

Dried elderberries can also be consumed as tea. To make black elderberry tea, you need to add 9-10 dried black elderberry fruits into boiling water. After waiting for 10-15 minutes to infuse, you can consume it with pleasure. Thanks to this tea, you can quickly get rid of your problems such as urinary tract infections. You can also consume black elderberry in the form of syrup or molasses for a long time. It is recommended to seek help from an expert to find out what amount and how often you can consume.

How to use black elderberry?

Black elderberry is a fruit with a wide variety of uses. Elderberry itself, as well as its flowers and bark can be used. The elderberry flower and itself are often used in jam making. Elderberry leaves are used in skin care. After the leaves are liquefied, they can be applied on skin wounds. Black elderberry flowers are also preferred in making beverages such as tea and sherbet. The decision that you can consume in different ways according to your own taste will leave a delicious taste on your palate.

What does black elderberry syrup do?

Black elderberry syrup can be considered as an important supplement that has a great role in strengthening the immune system. The decision, which is very good for cold conditions such as flu and cold, also increases body resistance thanks to the vitamins A, B, C in the content of elderberry. Black elderberry, which is also beneficial for constipation, also has a weakening effect. It can also be added to diet lists, it supports the slimming process. A specialist should be asked for how long and how much it should be consumed.

How to drink elderberry syrup?

Black elderberry syrup can be consumed 2 or 3 times a week, depending on the age and needs of the person. It is also among the recommendations for people who drink the syrup to drink a glass of water afterward. Children as well as adults can benefit from elderberry syrup. While the scale for adults is tablespoon, it will be more appropriate for children to consume syrup with a teaspoon. You can find out the appropriate amount you need to consume for your child or yourself by getting help from a specialist.

What are the benefits of elderberry?

Black elderberry syrup has many benefits, from strengthening the immune system to the problem of constipation. As long as it is consumed regularly and in the right amounts, it strengthens the immune system and helps the person fight much more strongly in conditions such as flu and cold. Benefits and benefits of elderberry bark, fruit and flower:

  • Sherbets produced from elderberry flower and fruit help increase breast milk.
  • It is effective in relieving stomach pains. It can also be used as a pain reliever.
  • Black elderberry peels help relieve constipation when boiled and consumed.
  • It is effective in the regular functioning of the intestines.
  • Black elderberry has diuretic properties.
  • Vitamins A, B and C in its content help to increase body resistance against diseases.
  • It helps to overcome diseases such as flu and cold much faster.
  • Thanks to its diaphoretic property, it has positive effects in the treatment of febrile diseases and pneumonia.
  • Thanks to its expectorant feature, it softens the chest.
  • When used regularly, it facilitates fat burning and makes it easier for dieters to lose weight.
  • Elderberry leaves are effective in the rapid healing of deep and open wounds on the skin.
