How to choose your mountain bike: semi-rigid or full suspension?

How to choose your mountain bike semi rigid or full suspension

Before buying a new MTB, it is necessary to make an essential choice, that of the type of suspension. Semi-rigid or fully suspended, each has serious arguments, so how not to be mistaken?

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The MTB have evolved a lot. In the past, the choice between hardtail and full suspension was largely constrained by the loss of performance implied by the rear suspension.

Full suspension mountain bike vs. semi-rigid

Today, the progress made in the kinematics of full suspension mountain bikes no longer reserve them for the descent alone. Offering better comfort as well as better traction thanks to the suspension which keeps the rear wheel in constant contact with the ground, this type of mountain bike sees its sales in constant progress. Manufacturers have largely reduced the pumping phenomenon present on previous generations. In addition, the arrival of electric assistance completely eliminates the issue of performance while providing optimal comfort.

However, semi-rigid mountain bikes are not to be neglected. Their one-piece frame allows them to be lighter, cheaper and easier to maintain. Thus, for an equivalent budget, a semi-rigid mountain bike will be better equipped than a full suspension or will have higher range elements. With better performance, it is also better suited to recreational use on relatively uneven terrain. Its simplicity of construction makes it a perfect bike for beginners who will be able to train more easily in the maintenance of their mount. It should be noted that motor skills are worse than on the full suspension mountain bikesevery bump and obstacle in the road tending to cause the rear wheel to lift off.

How to make the right choice ?

The choice of the type of bike therefore comes down to two main criteria: use and budget.

For downhill or DH and freeride, full suspension mountain biking is mandatory. In this case, it will be necessary to choose a model equipped with a fork of 200 mm travel. For the enduro, again a full suspension mountain bike is preferred, this time with a travel of 140 or even 180 mm and 27.5 inch wheels.

Conversely, for hiking and cross-country type practices, we will turn more to a semi-rigid mountain bike with 29-inch wheels that allow excellent performance. A fork of 80 to 130 mm will be chosen depending on the terrain.

It is for all-mountain practice that the choice is the most difficult. If with a large budget you prefer a full suspension mountain bike with a travel of 130 to 150 mm, with a limited budget you will have to choose between a basic full suspension mountain bike and a better equipped hardtail mountain bike. It is essentially the importance given to comfort that will guide the purchase in this case.

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