How to choose your fries so that they don’t make us gain weight?

How to choose your fries so that they dont make

A true guilty pleasure of the French, fries are one of the most consumed foods. Perceived as extremely high in calories, these crispy matches would ultimately not be so harmful. Find out how to consume them to stay in shape.

Eating fries without gaining weight is possible! Two nutrition experts lift the veil on this preconceived idea pointing to fries as a food that is too fatty. Their shape, cooking method and frequency of consumption would allow you to integrate this starchy food into your meals without accumulating bad fats. Here’s everything you need to know to continue enjoying fries while maintaining your figure.

In what form should you eat your fries to avoid gaining weight?

Nathalie Négro is responsible for the nutritional center of the Thermes de Brides-les-Bains in Savoie. She explains that if fries are so criticized by nutritionists, it is because of their ability to blot the grease : “They absorb nearly 12% of their weight in oil during their passage through the fryer. And if the oil bath is not hot enough at the start of cooking, they can absorb up to 20%. !” However, the fries are not to be banned totally from our diet. “You should favor homemade fries cooked in the oven, which are half as caloric as those cooked in a traditional fryer”, indicates Nathalie Négro. In addition, the choice of oil is essential: “For oven fries, I recommend using olive oil, a pillar of the Mediterranean diet (just brush the potato sticks with a brush). But in the fryer, it is better to use peanut oil. And it does not stop there. The shape of the fries consumed would also have a role to play. Nathalie Négro declares: “I recommend opting for thick fries, so as to reduce the contact surface between the potato and the oil. The thinner the fries, the higher their glycemic index, which increases the risk of diabetes and obesity.” You will have understood that homemade, thick, oven-baked fries brushed with olive oil would be the ideal recipe to avoid excess pounds.

© Dr Jimmy Mohammed

What quantity should you choose so as not to gain weight?

Doctor Jimmy Mohammed, doctor for “Le magazine de la santé” on France 5, specifies in one of his TikTok videos that certain packets of fries to cook in the oven display a nutriscore A. Indeed, these are rich in vitamin A, potassium and complex carbohydrates and make them a energy source. “What poses a problem is the quantity of fries that we eat. You are allowed to eat a portion of fries, but not a huge plate. Without forgetting that very often, we will add a lot of salt and then sauces which will increase the calorie balance”.

This is why nutrition expert Nathalie Négro says: “The portion not to exceed is 150 g, only once every two weeks if they are deep-fried and once a week if they are oven fries.” To stay in shape, the ideal is to pair them with fish or lean meat as well as a salad or green vegetables.
