How to choose the cladding for a round or rectangular tubular pool?

How to choose the cladding for a round or rectangular

Simple to install and economical, round or rectangular tubular pools allow you to take full advantage of an above-ground pool in the garden. However, these pools are not the most aesthetic and deserve to be dressed to be perfectly integrated.

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Available in all major brands as well as on merchant sites, tubular pools are very successful because of their price and their ease of installation. Equipped with an external device of filtration, these above-ground swimming pools consist of a frame made of metal tubes, in galvanized steel, and a basin which is none other than the liner. A simple design and solid but which, on the other hand, is not the most aesthetic. To overcome this drawback, some manufacturers liners offer different colors. However, to fully integrate a round or rectangular tubular pool into the garden, the only solution is to dress it. Depending on the available budget, two choices are possible.

Dressing a tubular pool with canisses

Natural (wicker, bamboo) or synthetic, the reeds are available in rolls of different heights. Used as a screen, they perfectly conceal the framework and liner. However, not all are alike:

  • Reeds in bamboo : 100% natural, bamboo has a very good longevity. However, the whole bamboo reeds do not completely cover the surfaces unless you pay the price.
  • Split bamboo canes: with the same characteristics as solid bamboo, split bamboo is penalized by a duration significantly less life.
  • Wicker reeds: maintenance-free, these have a better longevity (approximately 15 years) and better hiding power than their bamboo counterpart.
  • Synthetic or PVC reeds: made up of perfectly identical slats, synthetic reeds are available in various colors (green, beige, grey, etc.) and perfectly imitate wicker or bamboo. Simple to cut, they have an excellent longevity. On the maintenance side, a jet of water and a simple wipe with a sponge is enough.

How to install canisses around a tubular pool

As for a fence, the installation of the canisses does not require major work, nor specific tools. Two pliers (universal and cutting) and a saw metals or Japanese are enough. If this operation can be carried out alone, an aid facilitates the installation.

Dress a round tubular pool with canisses

  • position and tie the canisse on the starting upright with steel tie wire on at least three points (top, middle, bottom);
  • unroll the reed without pulling on it too much so as not to spread the strands or the blades;
  • tie the reed on each upright as before;
  • connect the next cannisse to the first and so on.

For an optimal result, it is advisable to connect the canisses to each other on an upright.

A rectangular tubular pool in a wooden setting

If the reeds are easily placed on round tubular pools, whose struts are vertical, they are not suitable for models whose struts form an angle with the pool. This is particularly the case for most rectangular tubular pools. Here, the solution involves installing a covering in drink. More expensive and requiring some good notions of DIY, this solution consists of a wooden frame and a facing in strips of wooden deck. Depending on the available budget, you can use planks salvaged from wooden pallets, provided that you first apply a water-repellent treatment or choose class 4 wood capable of being in permanent contact with freshwater.

How to make a wooden cladding around a tubular pool

The basis of any project, the development of a scale plan is essential for the success of this work. To make life easier, it is advisable to make boxes independent of each other for each side of the pool. For a better rigidity and increase the number of slat attachment points by terrace, do not hesitate to position intermediate uprights every 50 cm inside each box. To protect the liner and the structure of the pool, they must be positioned a few centimeters from the base of the struts and be slightly higher than the pool.

  • mark off the area around the pool to take your measurements;
  • debit the elements constituting each box;
  • put them together with the help of turntables galvanized steel and screws stainless steel ;
  • position the boxes around the pool;
  • check their horizontality using a spirit level then secure them to each other;
  • screw on a first decking board, checking its horizontality;
  • continue laying, taking care to insert the joints to avoid an unsightly effect;
  • finalize by laying slats around the perimeter of the frame to conceal the upper structure of the tubular pool.

A number of constructions include a beach encompassing the tubular pool, sometimes going so far as to transform it into an “in-ground” or semi-in-ground pool. In either case, you must provide a standardized safety device (tarpaulin, barrier, alarm, etc.).

What you must remember

  • To create formwork that is durable over time, use class 4 wood;
  • Reeds offer a durable and economical solution;
  • Protect the woods with environmentally friendly products.

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