How to avoid aquaplaning in heavy rain

How to avoid aquaplaning in heavy rain

Summer is here and as usual in Sweden during the summers the weather changes quickly and you are treated to torrential rain and sun every second.

When a really heavy rainstorm comes and sweeps over our long country, there is a risk of, among other things, flooding and traffic problems if the weather brings strong gusts of wind.

READ MORE: SMHI warns of torrential rain – traffic may be affected

Heavy rain can create chaos in traffic

Heavy rain should be taken as seriously as snow, especially in traffic.

When it rains, there is a risk of motorists getting aquaplaned while driving. Then the car loses its grip on the road and you skid, which can be very risky.


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You should keep that in mind if there is a risk of aquaplaning

Christer Larsson, traffic teacher in Ulricehamn, told in an interview with P4 Sjuhärad what you have to think about in case of rain and hydroplaning risk.

– It’s the speed. So reduce the speed if there is a risk of hydroplaning, he tells P4.

He also believes that it is important to check how much air there is in the tires.

– There is a limit, the minimum is 1.6 millimetres, but it’s actually way too low. You need to have at least three millimetres, I think anyway, he says P4 Seven-way.

If you happen to aquaplan, it is important to let off the gas and try to steer away a little if you see that there is better road surface elsewhere.


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