How to approach Virginia, the woman with three legs, in Sons of the Forest?

How to approach Virginia the woman with three legs in

In Sons of the Forest, Endnight Games gives you the opportunity to recruit companions. Virginia, a woman with three legs, is one of them.

Companions are an essential part of your gameplay in Sons of the Forest. Whether it’s Kelvin, your companion in misfortune who became deaf following the crash of your helicopter, or Virginia, a stranger you meet after a few days of survival, these other survivors can turn out to be great assets if you plan to survive for a long time in Sons of the Forest. We explain how to approach Virginia and who she really is in this adventure offered to us by the Endnight Games studios.

Who is Virginia in Sons of the Forest?

During your first days on the island of Sons of the Forest, you will have the opportunity to meet a few other humans. Most are either already dead or very hostile so be on your guard. Only, there is also a strange person who prowls the day around your camp. If this person is in the form of a young blonde woman with three legs and three arms, it is indeed Virginia Puffton. This young woman is the daughter of billionaire Puffton, who has been missing just like her father for 31 weeks.

Virginia near the camp © Linternaute/JV

How to approach Virginia and make her a companion?

Thirty-one weeks of surviving alone in the wild can make you suspicious, and Virginia is no exception. If you plan to approach her and recruit her into your small troop of survivors, you will above all need to be patient. When the young woman approaches you, put away your weapons with the G key, and let her come towards you. She will inevitably run away the first few times but will eventually let you interact with her. She can’t perform all the actions Kelvin can do for you, but you can equip her with items and weapons so she can defend herself and you.
