how the war in Ukraine broke the momentum of Senegalese hopeful Samba Diallo

how the war in Ukraine broke the momentum of Senegalese

Arrived in the Ukrainian club Dynamo kyiv less than a year ago, the international U20 Samba Diallo expected anything but to witness a war in Ukraine. Despite the trauma, he hopes to bounce back quickly, in kyiv or elsewhere.

When he left sweet Dakar this summer for cool kyiv, Samba Diallo imagined anything but being confronted with war. When he signed a five-year contract extension after a successful half-season at Dynamo, Kyiv, he imagined himself to be continuing to blast opposing defenses rather than being under threat from Russian bombs. ” It’s true that when I left Dakar, I had apprehensions about the cold, the language, the fact that there weren’t many Africans in Ukraine and the rumors of racism. But, I couldn’t imagine for a moment what was to come “, he explains, seated in a cafe in the 16th arrondissement in Paris.

What was about to happen was the war in Ukraine that was triggered almost two months ago by the invasion of Russia. A war that he had not seen coming when he flourished in the legendary Dynamo kyiv club, a monument to Ukrainian football with its 16 league titles and two Cups of Cups (ex C2).

“I only thought of one thing: to leave”

The U20 international from Senegal, who arrived last summer, had adapted quickly given his performances in the Youth League, the equivalent of the Champions League for young people, with in particular two doubles against Bayern and FC Barcelona . But euphoria gave way to fear as the Russian attack began. ” Yes, I was scaredacknowledges the 19-year-old. The war, I had never experienced it, I only heard it on TV. There, she was very close to me, it was something almost unreal. From my room, I spread the sound of bombs. I convinced myself that it was never going to happen to me since I was in the city center. But as soon as we learned that the Russian troops were on the outskirts of the city, I admit that I began to be afraid. I only thought of one thing: to leave, but I didn’t know how “.

It is the agency which manages his interests, VV Consulting, founded by the former vice-president of AS Monaco Vadim Vasilyev, which will find a solution for him. ” I took the train in kyiv to go to the border with Poland, then I flew to Paris “.

“Ready to return to Kyiv…”

Samba Diallo still keeps in mind the “ gruesome images of stampede at kyiv train station and could only afford to release the pressure once in Dakar surrounded by his family. ” I only stayed one day in France before leaving for Senegal. I had to go relax. My family was very worried about me and my father called me all the time. It made me feel good “.

Today, the striker, compared to his compatriot Sadio Mané, is back in France and training alone in Monaco. Faced with the situation in Ukraine, Fifa has indeed authorized the suspension of player contracts with Ukrainian clubs until June 30. And after ? Will a return to Ukraine be possible if the war ends? ” Yes, I am ready to return to Kyiv if the situation allowsloose Samba, not without hesitation. I have a contract, football is my job and above all, my family places a lot of hope in me “.

Its representative in France, Matar Cissé, is more pessimistic. ” Given the current situation, I don’t think this will change. In any case, we have contacts with other clubs, we will see what will happen after June 30 “.

Whatever, the talent of Samba Diallo was enough to find him a club in more peaceful countries.
