how the results are processed electronically in a center in the capital

how the results are processed electronically in a center in

In Madagascar, two days after the legislative elections of May 29, everywhere on the island, ballot papers continue to flow to the Voting Material Census Sections (SRMV). A crucial step for the reliability of the vote, this is where, for the first time, the results are combed through and processed electronically, before being sent to the Independent National Electoral Commission (Céni) which will be responsible for publishing the results. provisional results. Illustration to current operations at the Mahamasina Sports Palace, in Antananarivo.

2 mins

With our correspondent in Antananarivo, Pauline Le Troquier

In this gymnasium in the capital of Madagascar, dozens of white packages, wrapped and sealed, cover the ground. “ These are minutes (PV) which have just left the polling station. It’s sealed, so the count is good », says Tsiry, responsible for processing the result for the 1st district of the city.

The Election Commission has given five days to collect all processed data

Since their reception on Wednesday, a race against time has begun. Compare the minutes with the counting sheets, scrutinize, report anomalies: the work is colossal and the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI) has given five days to collect all the data processed. On May 30, the unit responsible for the results of the 3rd district of Antananarivo was already preparing to complete the operation, its president rejoices. “ If we succeed, we will be the first to send the voting results throughout Madagascar, because we are close tooshe emphasizes. But it’s still a challenge. The night of the vote, personally, I just slept 30 minutes to regain some strength “.

In the room, witnesses monitor the operations, like Rina Randriamasinoro. The candidate of the opposition platform Firaisankina, in the 4th district of the capital, is keen to attend the computer entry of the results: “ It’s necessary to be vigilant. I am here to at least verify that the results we obtained during the vote are really the ones they [la Céni] will publish. »

In the most isolated areas of the island, the transport of votes to the different collection sections could take several more days. The first voting trends should be announced by the Céni from June 4.

Read alsoLegislative elections in Madagascar: voters scrutinize the counting operations

Madagascar held legislative elections on Wednesday to elect 163 deputies. President Andry Rajoelina, whose re-election in November to a second term was contested by the opposition, is counting on a large majority.
