How tech is changing filmmaking

How tech is changing filmmaking

L’Express is launching a new podcast that will explore the impact of technology on society. Every Thursday, Frédéric Filloux, great reporter and columnist at L’Express will receive a tech personality for a twenty-minute conversation. We will talk about artificial intelligence, transformation of professions and sectors, social networks, regulation, digital education, new Gafam, and our digital future.

In this first episode, Frédéric Filloux wonders about the future of cinematographic creation.

800 people on the set of the filming of Dunes in Jordan, 200 for some scenes of Succession tours in New York or at an airport in Tuscany. Does this make sense in the age of computer graphics and virtual sets?

Guest of Control F, Alexandre Saudinos, author and film producer and also co-founder of Neoset, a company specializing in virtual sets.

This system launched by the series of Georges Lucas, The Mandalorianconsists of a wall of semicircular LED screens five meters long and 22 meters long on which previously filmed images scroll – the so-called “peels”, flat in English. The effect is strikingly realistic and allows filming without time or weather constraints, the two enemies of directors.

Virtual sets are just one technology among others that will radically change the way of making cinema and that Control F will explore.

Listen to this episode and subscribe to Control F on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Castbox And Amazon Music.

The team: Frédéric Filloux (presentation), Jules Krot (editing and production), Xavier Yvon (editor-in-chief)

Music and design: Léonard Filloux

Logo: Jérémy Cambour/L’Express

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