How on earth can a defender be the top scorer? This is how Sweden’s destructive weapon works, which has been poison for opponents in World Cup football

How on earth can a defender be the top scorer

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Tall players and good special situation patterns have been hard currency in this summer’s World Cup football as well.

The topic came up already in last year’s EC tournament, where goals scored from overhead were generally overrepresented. Especially in women’s national team football, they continue to be emphasized, and the current World Cup is no exception.

According to a study of the 2019 Women’s World Cup, corner kicks resulted in a shot on goal one in five times. According to the source material of the same study, for example, in the men’s 2010 World Championships, this happened less than once out of ten.

– This phenomenon combines skill factors, control of different aspects of defense, and corresponding factors in attacking play. National team tournaments are also different from the everyday life of club teams, and the available time is limited. Of course, physical differences are also essential, Urheilu’s expert Jonne Kunnas list.

Sweden, in particular, has made an effort to stand out with its special situation and main game expertise. In its three matches in the group stage, it received 17 goal attempts from corner kicks and scored four goals. Sweden’s goal expectation for corner kicks was 3.3, while the corresponding figure for the second best Australia was 0.9.

At the center of everything was the Central Defender Amanda Ilestedt, who scored three goals specifically through corner kicks. Before the playoffs, Ilestedt even looked like a possible winner of the goal exchange.

– Sweden has always been relatively good in special situations. During this year, however, one corner kick pattern has been highlighted. It is certainly the result of an analysis of the opponents’ defense, Kunnas begins.

Sweden’s credit pattern

In 2021 in a published study analyzed all 476 corners of the 2019 Women’s World Cup. Of those, 17 goals were scored and 93 shots per goal were received. About every ninth of the tournament’s goals came from corner kicks.

The most dangerous corner kicks were when the ball was delivered to the front post area and there were at least six attackers in the delivery area. The “dynamism” of the corner kick patterns was also linked to the probability of a goal. Dynamism refers to the movement of attackers in the target area.

Sweden’s corner kicks show a clear credit pattern mentioned by Kunnas, which has been the bane of many opponents. Sweden likes to create congestion in front of the goal and squeeze players into the five-meter area.

– This is a great way to strike especially against teams that strongly defend the area. Sweden has a height advantage in relation to almost all opponents. In addition Jonna Andersson The concentrations are of very high quality, says Kunnas.

Andersson usually tries to deliver a high ball near the front post. If Sweden wins the main ball, the goal attempt will come really close. The target player has repeatedly been Ilestedt. He invariably positions himself in front of the goal, fairly close to the goalkeeper.

– Ilestedt times his jump really well in relation to the pass. This way he gets a hit on the ball at the right moment. It is based on effort and the use of hands and body. With them, you can gain an advantage over the opponent, and Ilestedt is very good at that.

Along with delivery and finishing, the third important factor in Sweden’s dangerousness is the actions of others other than Ilestedt in front of the goal.

The risk of the ball coming close to the goal is that the goalkeeper catches it in his hands. Sweden takes this into account in how it positions its players and what kind of moves they make. It was Italy’s downfall. Ilestedt got to do exactly what he wanted and caused three goals.

Italy purely defended the area. Each player therefore had an area of ​​responsibility, and they did not move with the players. Then the attacking team’s weapon is to bring enough players to an area to create superiority. Sweden did exactly this by creating a four against three situation.

– Ilestedt’s task is to create space for himself and find a suitable angle to move and push. He always moves a little behind his starting point and attacks the ball from there. The task of the others is to block space for Ilestedt. They may jump to the ball, but at the same time they press the Italians down and make sure that no more defenders come around, Kunnas prepares the first goal of the following example.

– In the second, the idea is exactly the same. Nathalie Björn push one player away. Ilestedt is on guard, but Stina Blackstenius the task is to push the goalkeeper and make room for Ilestedt with his hands. In addition Magdalena Eriksson makes a run where he can win the ball or at least cause confusion. If the ball goes over everyone, Fridolina Rolfö kicks in the back. Here he remains free, because the ball draws the attention of those defending the area to himself.

The US knew the antidote

Sweden’s precision weapon is also predictable. It would therefore be logical that the more often Sweden uses the same pattern, the better the opponents know how to prepare to defend.

In the quarterfinals, the United States had done their homework.

– Sweden certainly has many different patterns for different guards. That’s why I wondered why they followed the same path in the USA game, even though nothing came of it. If there is more guarding, it might be easier to get the players free from running than from their position, says Kunnas.

The simplest would be to answer the numbers with numbers. If there are as many defensive players in front of the goal as there are attacking players, the situation turns into a one-on-one battle, where mastery is decisive.

– If Sweden wants more matches, variation is needed. It should be clear that the adversaries now mainly defend the way the USA defended: primarily the territory, but Crystal Dunn and Emily Sonnett especially guarded Ilestedt. Sonnett also positioned himself according to Ilestedt’s tendencies to prevent free movement away from the goal, Kunnas describes the following example situation.

– In the second example of the video, Sonnett is caught in Ilestedt again. He lets Ilestedt in front of him, but at the same time pushes him away, and the situation remains under control. Sonnett also started making contact well before the corner was awarded. Italy did not succeed in this. Ilestedt always got to the ball without much contact.

The queen of the skies punished Brazil

Sweden is the most dangerous team in the World Cup tournament in special situations, but the single most dangerous player was expected from the other camp.

French Wendie Renard has usually been the ruler of the airspace. Last summer at the European Championships, he was often impossible to contain, rushing to the centering ball despite two or three guards.

– Amanda Ilestedt is tall, but Renard is even ten centimeters taller. He is physically so different from everyone else, Kunnas begins.

– In addition to that, he has all the other qualities of a good special situation player. He times his moves with high quality, gets out of guard and makes a strong effort. If he’s not the best in the world, at least close.

Renard is again France’s primary target player. However, France’s patterns are more versatile than Sweden’s, and even Renard doesn’t always settle in the same place.

– In the first of the following examples, Renard is the target player in the front area. Brazil mainly defends the zone, but Renard is guarded separately. The area is the most dangerous for the defending team and therefore has the most Brazilians. In addition, Renard is specifically besieged, Kunnas explains.

– In the second example, Renard enters the back area. The corner kick is given short, but it is essential to see what Renard and Brazil Geyser they do. Geyse doesn’t even look at the ball, but concentrates completely on Renard. He runs along, with his only mission to stop Renrd. The body position, the use of the hands – everything is aimed at Renard.

Renard has scored 35 goals in the national team, three less than Teemu Pukki. Last year, he hit four times in 13 matches and punished Finland twice, among other things. In the 2019 World Cup, he scored four hits and in his entire career he has hit 135 times. Also had a legendary career as a topper Sergio Ramos has reached a total of 103 goals in the club and national team.

Now, Renard is generally kept in the reins, but he is still a model example in the handbook of strong corner play.

– Time resources are highlighted. If you play in a national team tournament against France, usually the focus is a lot on defense. And when the focus is on defending special situations, there’s a lot of focus on Renard. Opponents have therefore learned a lot. There are no major changes in Renard’s activities, but the opponents’ activities have developed, Kunnas explains.

The price of sleep is still high. Brazil got to experience that, which in a way was left out of the playoff stage precisely because of Renard. Brazil fell one point short of a play-off spot after suffering their only loss to France thanks to Renard’s late goal.

– Renard started from the back again. In the previous example, the guard started further away and had the opportunity to follow the direction of the run so that Renard could not hit with speed. Here’s the same idea, but guarding three players gets messed up. It remains unclear who will follow Renard, Kunnas initiates.

– France’s two forwards made the first moves, which caused Brazil’s communication to fail. Renard was forgotten in the back free, and Brazil didn’t even block his running line. If Renard gets this much space, the result will be bad.

Renard has made a career out of his leadership and physical attributes. However, this might be the last World Cup for the 33-year-old top athlete and at the same time the end of one woman’s supremacy.

Jonne Kunnas believes that the share of corner kicks and overhead goals could shrink in the course of the upcoming prestigious tournaments. The general development of women’s football and better resources, for example, narrow the gap between the best and weaker countries.

– In the past, the level of coaching for men’s teams has been higher, but now it is changing. So I believe that in the future that difference will be evened out. However, it can still be seen now, Kunnas sums up.
