How much would the prices go down if the excise duty was removed for brand new cars today?

How much would the prices go down if the

Buying a brand new car in Turkey is more difficult than ever before. One of the biggest reasons for this is the SCT for new cars.

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SCT or Special Consumption Tax has been in our lives for a long time and brings an incredibly high extra on new car models. For example, one of the biggest names sharing the car price list in detail in Turkey. seat. The cheapest model of Seat sold in Turkey “new IBIZA” and by company net price of this vehicle 174 thousand TL level. on this vehicle 104 thousand TL much SCT and 50 thousand TL much VAT being added. These are the sales price of the vehicle together with the MTV purchased as an extra. 332 thousand TL is happening. The most expensive model that Seat sells in Turkey is “TARRACO”. Net price of this vehicle 439 thousand TL level. full on vehicle 351 thousand TL much SCT and 142 thousand TL much VAT being added. Together with these and the MTV purchased, the sales price of the vehicle is full. 935 thousand TL is happening. well today excise duty for cars How much would prices go down if it were removed?

In fact, the figures of the two models above summarize the situation. However, if it is entered over flat numbers, a car worth 1 million TL 550 thousand TL’It can go down to. If SCT is removed from new car sales, a vehicle worth 500 thousand TL 270 thousand TLIt can go down to . If it is a brand new vehicle worth 400 thousand TL 235 thousand TLIt may become available to .


So how can these numbers go even lower? Because even if the SCT is lifted, prices will still be quite high for most people. From automobile sales VAT cannot be removed. For even lower numbers at this point The dollar and euro exchange rates must be lowered.. Other than that, the prices are unlikely to drop.

Many young people in Turkey, demands that SCT not be taken from at least their first brand new cars however, no action has been taken in this regard. At the moment, prices of second-to-none cars in Turkey are at very high levels.

While it is sad that the excise duty is taken for new cars, this may also interest you: Meet Sony’s new concept electric car
