How much time have you put into LoL over the last 7 years?

In a MOBA like League of Legends, it is quite likely that you will invest a lot of time. Just understanding and being able to use basic mechanics takes a really long time. Of course, this ensures that players have put an incredible amount of time into LoL. MeinMMO wants to know from you how much time you have put into the game since 2018.

Is League of Legends such a big time waster? Like the MMORPG genre, MOBAs also involve a lot of time. Instead of new raid bosses or dungeons, there are fresh seasons with new mechanics, champions and items.

It takes quite a bit of time to learn the basic mechanics of LoL, especially when you start playing solo. In addition, of course, you never stop learning because a new patch every two weeks could change the meta.

This not only affects competitive play, but also more relaxed modes like ARAM. The match length, which averages 25 to 60 minutes, and the time you spend in champion selection also means that the playing time quickly increases.

But how much LoL have you played since 2018? You can vote in our survey.

This is LoL – explained honestly

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Here’s how you can take part: You can find out your playing time since 2018 on the website All you have to do is enter your current user name from LoL. But make sure that you have the correct region and also the correct day at the end of the name.

The website then gives you the number of hours and equivalent conversions. Feel free to coordinate your playing time.

Please tell us in the comments how long you have been playing League of Legends. We would also be interested to know exactly how many hours you played and which mode or champion you played the most. In the 15 years of League of Legends there were also phases that are still notorious today. Individual champions were often to blame for this: 5 champions in LoL who were so overwhelmingly strong that they are still feared today
