How much should pine cone molasses be consumed? How much should I drink pine cone syrup, what is it good for?

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Pine cone molasses, which is difficult to make, has been used in the world of alternative medicine since ancient times. Pine cone, which has many benefits, is especially known for being very good for lung diseases. This type of molasses, also called pine cone jam, is mostly used to relieve cough. Molasses, which grows from the cones of the tree called pine cone, is very effective in relieving the discomforts in the winter period. You can also buy it from herbalists if you wish, as it is very laborious to make.

How to make pine cone molasses?

Although making pine cone molasses is difficult, it can also be made at home. Homemade pinecone molasses recipe:

  • First, the pine cones are thoroughly washed one by one until there is no dirt on them.
  • The cones are taken into a deep container and plenty of water is poured on it. Cones in the container are kept for 1 day.
  • When the 1 day waiting period is over, the cones are put in a pot and boiled with plenty of water.
  • The first boiled water should be poured by filtering. Then the lightly boiled cones are put back into the pot.
  • Boil 6 glasses of water in another bowl and throw the cones in the other bowl into it.
  • After the water boils, the pot should be closed with the lid half open.
  • Cones should be cooked for 2 hours on low heat.
  • Powdered sugar should be added to the mixture within a 2-hour period.
  • Stir the molasses from time to time until it thickens.
  • Take the foams formed on the molasses during cooking with a ladle.
  • While the molasses thickens, add water with lemon into it. Mix the molasses and turn off the stove.
  • The molasses in the pot is left to come to room temperature.
  • When the temperature level reaches the desired level, the cones are removed.
  • Cone syrups should be put in jars and their lids should be tightly closed to prevent air leakage.

How to use pine cone molasses?

Unlike jam and molasses, pine cone molasses can be used as syrup. It can be added to breakfast tables as well as used as a sweetener in desserts. It can be eaten by spreading pine cone molasses on the bread, or it can be consumed directly with a spoon. If the taste is too intense, you can drink pine cone molasses by diluting it with water.

Pine cone molasses is very effective in hair care. When applied directly to the scalp, it prevents hair loss by feeding the scalp. Take a small amount of pine cone syrup in your hand and apply it to your scalp by massaging. Molasses should be left on the hair for an average of 20 minutes and washed with plenty of water. Hair mask made with pine cone molasses should be done 2 times a week. When done regularly, the hair is both strengthened and revitalized. It is also an important product in terms of skin care. It can be diluted with water and applied to the face as a tonic. It plays an active role in cleaning the dead skin on the skin. It can be used for acne and skin blemishes.

How much should pine cone molasses be consumed?

If you plan to prepare pine cone molasses at home, do not use unripe pine cones. If pine cone molasses is consumed excessively, digestive problems occur in the stomach. It would be better to seek advice from an expert for the correct use of pinecone molasses. In general, it is recommended to consume 1 teaspoon of pine cone molasses every day without interruption. It is recommended that people with chronic diseases and those who need to take regular medication should get information about consumption from their doctors. In addition, as molasses contains sugar, diabetics and diabetics should consume it carefully. It is recommended to pay attention to the following while consuming pine cone molasses:

  • Pine cone molasses should not be consumed too much.
  • Consumption of more than 1 teaspoon per day should be avoided.
  • When consumed excessively, it causes digestive disorders such as cramps, stomach pain, nausea and vomiting.
  • It is recommended not to consume by those who use regular medication, those with an allergic body, chronic patients and those who practice special diets.
  • It is also very important that the pine cone molasses is genuine and obtained from reliable places. Pine cone molasses prepared in wrong, unnatural, fake and unhealthy conditions should not be consumed either.

How much pine cone syrup should be drunk?

According to experts, cone syrup should not be consumed more than 1 teaspoon per day. Cone syrup is very different from classical sherbet and jams. In order to see the benefits of the syrup, only 1 teaspoon should be consumed per day. If pine cone syrup is consumed excessively, it causes nausea. Cone syrup is prepared from fresh, tiny and green cones. Cone syrup made in the spring-summer period is also sold in pharmacies and herbalists.

What is pine cone molasses good for?

When pine cone molasses is consumed correctly and consciously, it is good for many ailments. Benefits of pine cone molasses:

  • It cuts the cough.
  • It prevents the formation of microbes and inflammations in the intestines.
  • It cures digestive problems.
  • It prevents constipation.
  • It is good for shortness of breath.
  • Restores the body of the person suffering from respiratory diseases.
  • It cleans the lungs.
  • With the effect of the minerals it contains, it eliminates the negative effects caused by smoking.
  • Strengthens the immune system of adults and children.
  • It is expectorant.
  • Cold, flu etc. Eliminates the symptoms of common cold diseases.
