How much protein is in the egg? How many grams of protein in 1 egg, how many calories in 1 egg?

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Protein is one of the basic compounds in the structure of living things and is of great importance for the maintenance of life. Therefore, it must be present in the body in order to increase the quality of life of people and to make the immune system even stronger. It is important to get enough protein, as it has many functions in the human body. Protein, which is provided from natural sources as well as from special products, is an element that everyone, especially athletes, should take into the body in a balanced way. Protein has many benefits for the body.

How many grams of protein are in 1 egg?

Egg is an important food in terms of protein amount. One egg, known as an average weight of 60 grams, contains 6 grams of protein. Egg, also called a protein source, is ahead of other nutrients in terms of the digestibility of the protein it contains. Egg protein content is mostly found in the egg white. It contains all of the essential amino acids, which cannot be synthesized by humans and must be taken through food, and a very important part of the non-essential ones in ideal levels and amounts. The benefits of the protein source egg are as follows:

  • It provides a feeling of satiety and ensures that less food is consumed in diets.
  • It provides the protection and development of muscle mass.
  • It is an important source of energy for the body.
  • It plays an important role in bone development.
  • It helps to burn calories by accelerating the metabolism.

Along with daily nutrition, protein has an important place in diets applied for weight gain or loss. Protein can be obtained from many foods. Eggs, which are consumed in order to get enough protein that the body needs, are also one of the most preferred foods.
Egg, which contains almost every nutrient needed by the human body in the appropriate measure and ratio, is one of the animal foods that should be emphasized in relation to a balanced diet. How many grams of protein are in one egg, which is an important source of protein?

What are the nutritional values ​​of eggs?

An egg with an average weight of 60 grams contains 6 grams of protein. Eggs contain amino acids with high nutritional value. At the same time, essential amino acids such as leucine, isoleucine, methionine and lysine, which are provided in sufficient amounts from plant-based foods, are also included in the egg. Eggs contain a small amount of carbohydrates. Because of this feature, diabetic patients prefer eggs easily in their diet.

The egg, which is very rich in nutritional value, consists of two parts, yellow and white. Of these, the yellow part of the egg contains mostly vitamins and fat, while the white part contains protein. The protein-rich part of the egg is the white part of the egg. Boiled eggs, which have many uses, are consumed in the form of soft-boiled or omelette. Nutritional values ​​of an average of 100 grams of eggs, which are one of the important protein sources:

  • 13 grams of protein
  • 10 grams of fat
  • 1 gram of carbohydrates
  • 372 mg of cholesterol
  • 56mg calcium
  • 142 mg sodium
  • 138 mg of potassium
  • 1.75mg iron

Boiled egg protein amount

The amount of egg protein takes different values ​​depending on the portion and weight. There is 6 grams of protein in one boiled egg, the portion of which is determined as 60 grams on average. Egg white is an important source of protein and amino acids. At the same time, vitamin D, phosphorus, which is important for the absorption of calcium, vitamin A, vitamin B2, selenium, carotenoid and choline, which are important for healthier vision and the development of skin and cells, are other nutritional values ​​in the structure of the egg.

How many calories in 1 egg?

The calorie content of the egg, which varies in weight and portion, also differs. Accordingly, an egg with an average serving of 60 grams is calculated as 80-85 calories. This makes the egg a preferred food for people who have weight problems or who are on a diet.
