How much is the compensation for unfair dismissal and what is the Government’s proposal?

How much is the compensation for unfair dismissal and what

The current system of compensation for unfair dismissal His days could be numbered if an agreement is reached on the change in which the Government is working. through the Minister of Labor, Yolanda Diazthe Executive proposes a modification with which make up 45 days, especially for older workers with a short contribution period. It is currently 45 days per year (for contracts before 02/12/2012), and 33 days for subsequent contracts.

The proposal of the head of the Work portfolio is that of tie the compensation to the circumstances of each employee who has been made redundant, instead of setting a specific figure based on the days per year worked. In this way it would be passed to a more common style in other European countries, so that it is “a restorative and dissuasive dismissal”. Díaz is in favor of applying a different compensation depending on age. “Wouldn’t he deserve his compensation to be older by reason of his age?”.

This seeks to address the possible difficulties they have in re-entering the labor market workers who are older but still have a insufficient quote. In this way, in the event of a possible break in their career due to the impossibility of returning to work, they would have a more stable livelihood, as stated Information.

The proposal seeks leave behind the “classic formulation” to recover compensation for unfair dismissal of 45 days in general. This project also includes changes in the subcontracting, measures to combat precarious situationspartiality and labor instability and the strengthening of collective bargaining.

ERC request

During the last parliamentary negotiation for labor reform, ERC has already put this proposal on the table to recover 45 days of salary per year worked. At that time, Yolanda Díaz declined the proposal in favor of a loyalty to social partnerswith whom he had not discussed the issue at the dialogue table.

But now, once the reform has been approved, the second vice-president of the Government recognizes her position in favor of the proposal to increase the compensation. A position that is valued by the ERC spokesperson in the Work, Inclusion, Social Security and Migration Commission, Jordi Salvador. “I have looked with great affection at his proposal and surely we will reach many meeting points“.
