How much does a roof repair cost?

How much does a roof repair cost

The price of renovating a roof can reach several thousand euros. Therefore, it is useful to ask the right questions. How much does a roof repair cost? What does the cost of re-roofing depend on? And how to finance the renovation of a roof?

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The cost of renovating a roof should not be taken lightly. And for good reason, renovate its roof usually costs several thousand euros. To avoid pitfalls, it is better to find out in detail about the prices of roofers. This page tells you all about the cost of renovating a roof.

Importance of roof renovation

If you have an old house, the repair of a roof is a very important reflex to have. We recommend renovating a roof every 10 years, and carrying out maintenance (cleaning, roof treatment, etc.) every 2 to 5 years on average. Indeed, the renovation of a roof makes it possible to prevent it from deteriorating.

Without regular roof repairs, your home is at risk of water infiltration or humidity problems. In the worst case, a poorly maintained roof can lead to problems with frameworkand significantly increase your roof renovation budget.

What budget for the renovation of a roof?

Nevertheless, it is worth noting that the cost of renovating a roof is far from negligible.

On average, we consider that the price of renovating a roof per m² is between 20 and 160 €. This means that renovating an 80 m² roof can cost between €1,600 and €12,000. Rest assured, in most cases, the price of renovating a roof will vary between 1000 and 3500 €.

The cost of repairing a roof then depends directly on the condition of the roof to be renovated, as we will see.

The different costs of renovating a roof

To help you better determine what budget to dedicate to the repair of a roof, let’s try to review the different types of renovations possible for a roof covering.

roof cleaning cost

If you have a dirty roof, but in good condition, the cost of renovating a roof will be very limited.

On average, the cost of cleaning a roof varies between 20 and 40 € per m². This represents a budget of 1600 to 3200 € for an 80 m² roof.

For such a budget, you benefit from a cleaned, demossed and treated roof. Your roofer can then possibly replace some damaged tiles, but nothing more complex.

roof repair cost

If your roof is slightly damaged, but in good general condition, you will be able to proceed with a roof repair. This involves retaining the majority of the roof covering, but repairing any broken or fallen tiles. The roofing company takes the opportunity to clean and treat the roof covering.

On average, the cost of repairing a simple roof varies between 30 and 60 € per m². The repair budget for an 80 m² roof will then be between 2400 and 4800 € approximately.

Roof repair budget

Do you need to renovate an old house with a damaged or aging roof? Do you need to replace an entire roof covering? In this case, it is necessary to carry out a complete replacement of the roof.

Overall, the price of complete repair of a roof is between 60 and 150 € per m². The cost of repairing an 80 m² roof is then between 4,800 and 12,000 €.

For this budget, you replace the entire roof covering (but do not renovate the frame!).

Cost of renovating a roof with frame

Please note that the cost of renovating a roof will be significantly higher if it is also necessary to replace the framework. This will be the case if the frame has collapsed due to humidity or an insect. xylophagous (like the termite).

In terms of budget, the price of renovating a roof with a frame varies between 180 and 280 € per m². For a roof of 80 m², this still represents a budget of 14,400 to 22,400 €. Better be prepared for it!

What does the cost of repairing a roof depend on?

Concretely, the roofer prices to renovate a roof will systematically depend on the following elements:

  • The type of roof covering (slate, tiles, etc.),
  • The surface of the roof,
  • Renovation difficulties (height of the roof, difficulty of access, etc.),
  • The initial state of the roof,
  • Choosing a roofing company.

Always have the reflex to compare different roofing quotes when budgeting for your roofing repairs. Faced with work that is estimated in thousands of euros, comparing the prices of roofers can allow you to make great savings!

What aid for the renovation of a roof?

To finish on the subject, note that some aid can participate in the financing of the renovation of a roof!

What help to renovate a roof?

Different programs can cover part of the costs related to the renovation of a roof:

  • The Ma Prime Rénov program (formerly CITE) can offer aid of several thousand euros when repairing a roof.
  • Aid from the ANAH (particularly the Habiter Mieux aid) enables the poorest households to finance up to 60% ofinsulation and re-roofing.
  • The CEE (certificates savingenergy) can finance your roof insulation work up to €10 per m² or €20 per m² depending on your income.
  • It is possible to finance the repair of a roof thanks to an eco-loan at zero interest.

Remember to check with your municipality to find out about the various local aids related to the repair of a roof.

What are the conditions for obtaining financial assistance?

To benefit from these various aids, the following conditions must be met:

  • You absolutely must insulate the roof when renovating it, for example using an ITE solution (Exterior Thermal Insulation).
  • The work must be carried out by an RGE craftsman (Recognized Guarantor of the Environment).
  • Some aid is provided subject to means testing (in particular aid from the ANAH). Ma Prime Rénov is a program open to the majority of French people.
  • Check your eligibility assistance BEFORE signing a roof renovation estimate.

By comparing several roof renovation quotes, and taking advantage of the assistance available, you can considerably reduce the cost of repairing a roof. Don’t hesitate to fill out the form below to be put in contact with several roofing companies in your area, free of charge.

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