The salary of a general practitioner depends on many factors in France.
To become a general practitioner, you have to do 10 years of study in France. Currently, 237,000 active doctors are registered in theOrder of doctors of which 43% of general practitioners and 57% of specialists. The majority of general practitioners (66%) have a liberal or mixed activity (liberal + employee (in a hospital, a clinic, a school or in business)). The others are full -time employees. The doctor who exercises in liberal is paid to the act (therefore the number of consultation he does) and has many charges to pay: rent, a professional mortgage … He pays a salary to a medical secretary ‘He can recruit one, pays for his monthly expenses … “The Liberal is a system that offers flexibility to the general practitioner, the latter being absent from the employee doctor” explains Dr. Sophie Bauer, president of the union of liberal doctors (SML).
The salary of a general practitioner varies according to his place of exercise and his status. “It is necessary to differentiate the fees (turnover) of the BNC (non -commercial profits, which remains after payment of charges). Some practitioners choose lower remuneration, in favor of a quality of life , with lower working hours or an absence of guard for example. liberals, they are forced to have important work rates to generate non -commercial profits ” explains our interlocutor.
According to the latest figures published by the Dreesthe average income of liberal general practitioners amounts to 92,000 euros gross per year, or around 7,600 euros gross per month, for at least 50 hours of work per week. “”At a minimum, a general practitioner earns 3,000 euros and up to 6,000 or 7,000 euros gross per month “, confirms Dr. Sophie Bauer. In addition to the place of exercise and the status of the practitioner, many elements are likely to vary his salary: levels, seniority, establishment manager … “Among liberal general practitioners, the profits depend on their charges, the staff present in their office and the financial investment at the start. The remuneration depends on the working time and these charges, but also on the duration of the consultations and therefore , of his patient “ concludes the president of the SML.
You can imagine, the salary of a general practitioner at the end of his career is also very variable. “In the public domain, we have levels. The remuneration increases according to a defined wage grid. In the private sector, these grids are different. “
Thank you to Dr. Sophie Bauer, thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon and president of the union of liberal doctors (SML).