The food company Foodora was founded in October 2014 and is currently present in around 50 countries.
In 2023, Foodora’s turnover in Sweden was an incredible SEK 1.9 billion. However, it was a substantial loss from 2022 when turnover was over SEK 4.9 billion, according to data from All companies.
In other words, the company is doing well. But how well are things going for those who deliver the food to the door? How much does a food delivery person actually earn at Foodora?
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Photo: Caisa Rasmussen/TTDoes Foodora have a collective agreement?
Yes, summer 2023 announced Swedish Transport Workers’ Union that an agreement has been reached with Foodora on new conditions for bicycle and moped couriers who deliver food with a transport bag. With the agreement, wage increases of 9.01 percent were also entered over the next two years, which run up to and including April 30, 2025.
In addition, wages were guaranteed to increase by 12.06 percent on average so that all transport contractors are guaranteed a wage regardless of the number of deliveries.
Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TTLön at Foodora – how much do you earn with your own car?
2021 reported The transport worker that those who work as couriers at Foodora and have their own car only received SEK 40 for each delivery made and SEK 5 per kilometer they drive between the restaurant and the customer. They had to cover the costs of servicing the car, fines, fees and petrol themselves.
One who then worked as a courier told in an interview with Transportarbetaren what his earnings looked like after all expenses. It was then clear, with the wage model at the time, that it cost the bid around SEK 3,000 a month to work for Foodora.
– It’s shitty pay, almost slavery. The problem with the situation at Foodora is that most of the people who work there are not Swedish. They weren’t born here and don’t know it’s not okay. It is very tempting to work there for poor pay, it is difficult for foreigners to get a job in Sweden. They are not self-confident and feel like guests in this country, the 2021 bid told Transportarbetaren.
After joining a collective agreement, however, all bids at the company are guaranteed a salary regardless of deliveries and according to the company itself, the average salary is SEK 180 per hour.
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Photo: Gorm Kallestad/TTDo you get a fixed hourly wage at Foodora?
According to Transportarbetaren, after Foodora has signed a collective agreement, the food couriers should earn a salary of around 70 kroner an hour at the lowest during weekdays, plus 20 kroner per delivery.
Should there be few deliveries, the bids must be guaranteed an hourly wage of a minimum amount of SEK 100.
On weekdays after 7 p.m., the fixed compensation is increased to SEK 75 per hour and the hourly guarantee to SEK 110.
During weekends and holidays, the basic salary is SEK 90 per hour plus SEK 20 for each delivery. The hourly guarantee during those days is SEK 125, writes The transport worker about the current collective agreement.
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Salary at Foodora – how much do you earn per month?
How much you get in monthly salary as a food delivery person at Foodora differs. Several factors affect the final monthly salary, such as how much you work, how long and how many deliveries are made.
But if, for the sake of simplicity, you count on a food courier working on weekdays and making 10 food deliveries per day. Then the weekly salary, distributed over eight hours worked, will be SEK 3,800. During one month, it will be SEK 15,200 – as the minimum salary.
Calculation example:
Spread over five working days, the daily wage and completed deliveries make up a total sum of SEK 3,800.
Divided over four working weeks each month, the weekly salary and completed deliveries make up a total of SEK 15,200.
Total salary before tax will then be SEK 15,200 as the minimum salary.
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