How many kinds of people can commit rape? It shocks France now | Foreign countries

How many kinds of people can commit rape It shocks

PARIS Everyone knows in France by Gisèle Pelicot. In recent weeks, he has become a person who has given a face to rape victims.

The 71-year-old Pelicot is a litigant in a trial shaking France, in which her ex-husband, Dominique Pelicot accused of raping his wife together with dozens of other men.

According to the prosecutor, 71-year-old Dominique Pelicot drugged his wife and recruited dozens of men over the internet to rape and abuse her for almost a decade.

The crimes date from 2011 to 2020 and take place in Mazan in southern France. When the events began, the couple had been married for 40 years.

The case came to light when Dominique Pelicot was caught by the police in 2020 while trying to sneak women under her skirt in a grocery store.

During the investigation, the police found hundreds of videos and pictures on the man’s computer, in which different people sexually exploit an unconscious Gisèle Pelicot in the couple’s bedroom.

According to her own words, Gisèle Pelicot has no recollection of the crimes. They were only revealed to him during the police investigation.

The ex-husband admits the rapes, most of the suspects do not

The trial of the case started at the beginning of September and will continue until December. In addition to Dominique Pelicot, there are 50 men accused. The defendants face a 20-year prison sentence.

The police believe that dozens of other suspects, who have not yet been identified, are involved in the case.

At Gisèle Pelicot’s wish, the trial will be public. She has said she wants to reduce the shame associated with rape, which often falls on the victim.

Pelicot has said that she trusted her husband completely.

– I thought we were a strong couple. We had everything to be happy, Pelicot described his marriage.

Pelicot says that for years he suffered from vague symptoms of fatigue and gynecological complaints, hair loss, weight loss and memory lapses. He was unable to find an explanation for his symptoms.

Also the couple’s daughter Caroline Darian has been closely involved in the legal process. Darien wrote a book about the case in 2022in which he described the effects of crime on his family’s life.

In Dominique Pelicot’s possession, scantily clad pictures of her sleeping teenage daughter have also been found. It has raised the question of whether Darian has also been victimized by his father. Pelicot has vehemently denied touching her children. In addition to Darian, the couple has two adult sons.

This week, Dominique Pelicot, who had previously been prevented from participating due to health reasons, has finally been heard in the courtroom.

Pelicot has admitted that he is guilty of raping and drugging his wife. He has said he regrets his actions.

– I am a rapist like the others in this room, Pelicot said in court, referring to the suspected perpetrators.

The hearing of 50 other defendants has also started in court this week. Several of them deny the rape charges and claim that Gisèle Pelicot played sleeping. Many people claim that they thought it was a joint sexual game between the couple, in which all parties participated voluntarily.

Gisèle Pelicot has strongly denied that she was in any way aware of the actions directed at her or that she agreed to them.

Consent is now being discussed in France

What is exceptional about the case is its duration and the large number of suspects. The suspects are between the ages of 26 and 74.

In France, the case has attracted enormous media attention and raised the debate about violence against women and consent.

In French law, rape is not defined by consent but by the threat of violence. According to French law, rape means forcing the victim to engage in sexual intercourse, for example using or threatening violence.

President Emmanuel Macron has suggested adding consent to the lawbut so far it has not been done. France is opposed the EU projectwhere the consent of the victim would be added to the definition of rape in all EU countries.

Yesterday Thursday one of the accused admittedthat he never got Gisèle Pelicot’s consent to his act and thus admits that he committed rape.

In France, many are shocked by how “ordinary” the men accused of rape are: they include family men, car drivers, bakers, electricians and managers. The case has broadened the perception of many people that sexual crimes can be committed by a wide variety of people.

According to those close to him, Dominique Pelicot managed to maintain the image of a decent family man, grandfather and husband for decades before his crimes were revealed. Pelicot’s childhood has been brought up in court traumatic experienceswhich he says is one explanation for the actions.

Violent crime victim Gisèle Pelicot has become one of the most talked about people in France in recent weeks, and she is has gathered behind him a large group of supporters.

Many have wondered why sexual violence against women is being talked about so widely in France only now.

Last week, thousands of people gathered across France to show their support for Pelicot and oppose violence against women.

“We are Gisèle Pelicot”, the signs read.
