“How many Hs does guinea pig have?”

This internet personality is probably no stranger to the older generation. Now he is making a name for himself on Twitch and is therefore also finding favor with the younger generation. We at MeinMMO introduce you to the new star in the streaming sky.

Who is this streamer? This is Max Schradin, who has been streaming on Twitch under the pseudonym “MaximalSchradin” since May 2021. His career began in 2003 on television as a presenter on the sales channel Sonnenklar.TV.

He became known to most people when he hosted a call-in quiz show on the channel 9Live in 2004. He was also the face of several call-in quiz shows on other channels such as Sat1, Kabel eins and ProSieben. Now he has given his career a new lease of life and streams regularly on Twitch.

Max Schradin mostly streams on Twitch in the categories “Just Chatting” or “Grand Theft Auto V”. At first, his numbers were on the lower end: he reached an average of 245 viewers for the rage game “Only Up!”. A year later, he reached an average of 2,000 viewers for the rage game “Chained Together”.

Although Max Schradin has been streaming regularly since 2021, his viewer numbers have only now skyrocketed. We take a look at why this is the case.

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“Hawk has two H’s!”

What made Max Schradin stand out on TV? One of his most famous appearances on these quiz shows was on the channel 9Live, in which viewers had to name an animal with only one H in its name in order to win money. After a few wrong answers, Max Schradin became increasingly angry and continued to shout.

When a caller initially gave the answer “guinea pig”, Max Schradin completely lost it and said “How many Hs does guinea pig have?” Other callers followed, saying “hawk” or “cow”, and Max Schradin then shouted even more. Sentences like “hawk has two Hs!” or “How many cows does H have?” were heard.

Max Schradin posted a recording of the outburst on his TikTok channel. These outbursts became his trademark and also inspired his merch. His choleric past is still frequently referenced on TV today.

That’s why Max Schradin is so popular on Twitch

What makes Max Schradin so special on Twicth? It is not just his past outbursts that define Max Schradin in the Twitch bubble, but also his age. At 46, he is definitely above the average age of most Twitch streamers. Accordingly, he stands out and is considered the “pensioner streamer” in the bubble.

This trait also often leads to teasing between him and his Twitch colleagues. This makes Max Schradin recognizable to viewers.

A special catalyst for his current hype was definitely the scooter tour in July 2024. Here he spent several weeks traveling from Milan to Munich on e-scooters with Trymacs and Ronny Berger, among others. When he broke his shoulder during a judo roll over his colleagues, even more people became aware of him through this news.

What does Max Schradin do on Twitch? His previous fame as a freaky TV presenter definitely gave his career as a Twitch streamer a good start. The former TV presenter has now become a Twitch star.

For example, he did an IRL stream with Twitch streamer Zarbex or played the game Chained Together with Trymacs, Knossi and Zarbex. In December 2023, he hosted MontanaBlack’s Christmas event together with Marc Gebauer and Adam from Skyline TV.

Max Schradin’s career and standing on Twitch is strengthened by his appearance in highlight compilations by Satter Hugo and his collaborations with major German Twitch stars.

Max Schradin was able to skilfully expand the fame he gained through presenting on television into the social media industry. Today he is one of the biggest Twitch streamers and is a regular guest at numerous streaming events. Gronkh took a completely different career path, going from Let’s Plays in Minecraft to becoming one of the biggest Twitch streamers.
