How many hours a week do you actually gamble?

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Multiplayer games and MMOs are “endless games” that you can invest tons of time in. How much is it with you?

Gaming can be a very time-consuming hobby. Especially in the multiplayer and AAA area, publishers often overturn and try to outdo each other in terms of playing time and the replay value of their games. Not to mention “endless games” like MMORPGs that get regular updates.

Time is a valuable resource that gaming has to fight for with other leisure activities and entertainment options. The head of the MMORPG FFXIV, Naoki Yoshida, noted this years ago. Most of us don’t just spend our often limited free time gambling.

  • We watch movies and series
  • Go out and spend time with friends
  • Do sports and have other hobbies that are not related to gaming.
  • In addition, many have families to look after and spend time with. Hobby gaming then has to take a back seat.

    We therefore want to know from you how much time you spend gaming per week.

    How can I vote? In the survey tool below you can tell us how many hours per week you spend gaming on average. Each reader is only entitled to one vote and the vote cannot be reversed.

    Get out there: How’s your gaming at the moment? Do you play every day or only on weekends? Do you play less than before or more? Why is it? How do you allocate your time with all the big chunks of games that just keep getting bigger and longer?

    Let us know in the comments and have fun voting!
