How maker of the iconic waste bin Bammens went bankrupt: ‘We are put in the bulky waste’

How maker of the iconic waste bin Bammens went bankrupt

Reaction vcconsyst

In recent weeks, RTV Utrecht has repeatedly asked VConsyst to give a response to the restart. Independent crisis communication expert Koen van Tankeren speaks the word on behalf of VCCONSYST and previously reported that VCCONSYST was open to an interview in the first week of February. This was postponed several times and extended at the beginning of this week to “probably only in three weeks.” According to him, the reason is that it still needs to be legally arranged with the curator, who, according to Van Tankeren and Vconsyst, is still in the lead.

According to the curator, that is not correct. “There are no legal grounds on which VCCONSYST can rely. The signature of me and the examining magistrate have been put. The staff that may remain has a new employment contract, so they can decide for themselves whether they want to talk about it.”

Van Tankeren finally announced on behalf of VCCONSYST:

“Vconsyst is part of a larger whole,” says independent crisis communication expert Koen van Tankeren on behalf of VCONSYST. “A family business. That means that they have tried to keep it up until the last second. That certainly also applies here.

The towel is quickly thrown in at commercial companies. That didn’t happen here.

Here a loss was run in Maarssen for a number of years in a row. The works council also knows that very well. They know very well that there has been a loss for years and that it was not logical to maintain the factory.

Within the VConsyst group you get a situation that is to the detriment for the other companies within the group. So until the last sob was an attempt to keep the company up and that did not work. That is what is going on here.

It is not for nothing that the curator did not immediately find a party that did see bread in it.

It is sour for the people who have worked there and were devoted to the company. We don’t want to take anything into it and a lot of attention went to that. And a lot has been spoken with that. But I can’t say anything about that either. That is not neat from the company. “
