How Long Will GTA 6 Last? Legacy Killa HD Explained

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How Long Will GTA 6 Last? The narrative length of the game may be shorter than expected. Rockstar Games YouTuber Legacy Killa HD shared the news he received last year.

The GTA VI trailer has stunned fans with its realistic depiction of Florida. Despite one resident insisting that Rockstar Games pay them $2 million for apparently using their likeness. While there is so much excitement under a small trailer, the main thing to wonder is: GTA VI exactly? How big will it be?, How Long Will GTA 6 Last?

How Long Will GTA 6 Last? Narrative Length May Be Shorter Than Expected

According to a GTA expert, the upcoming GTA VI may not actually be as big as expected. Popular Rockstar Games YouTuber Legacy Killa HDAccording to , GTA VI will be closer to GTA V than Red Dead Redemption 2 in terms of length. It should be noted that this YouTuber leaked the title of ‘Project Americas’ in 2019. It is worth noting that although GTA VI is not officially branded, recent game leaks have referred to a new game as being included in this phase.

How Long Will GTA 6 Last?

LK HD Shared His Hearing About Game Length

LK HD claims that GTA VI is rumored to be approximately 35 to 40 hours long. Of course, we should point out that this hour length is only related to the narrative part of the game. Undoubtedly, if we take into account the numerous side activities and open world events, it is possible to easily say that the game time is three or four times as much. Frankly, there is also an argument that the story of Red Dead Redemption 2 is too long. Basically, the fact that an open world game offers a 35 to 40 hour story and then leaves the player free in the open world is thought to be an element that will not be a problem for the players.

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YouTuber also emphasizes that they heard about this last year and of course there may be different changes in this time period. For now, no official statement has been made on the issue. With GTA VI coming in 2025, we have no doubt that Rockstar will share more information throughout 2024.
