How long should frozen breast milk be consumed? How to give breast milk stored in the freezer?

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Babies do not have the fully developed systems they are born with. Their immune systems and digestive systems are not the same as a normal adult. Babies are born with very sensitive blood values ​​and metabolism. Therefore, there is an addiction to breast milk. Breast milk is a miraculous food in itself for babies. Breast milk is very important in the first 6 months of feeding newborn babies. Breast milk provides the baby’s immune system to develop. Thus, it can even prevent diseases that may occur at an advanced age.

Why is breast milk important?

There are no foodstuffs equivalent to those contained in breast milk. In addition to its rich nutritional values, breast milk is full of richness for the development of the baby. It also contains vitamins, minerals, digestive enzymes and antibodies that protect the baby from diseases. Thus, the immunity in the mother continues to be transmitted except for the gene pathway. Breast milk content can change with the baby getting sick, so it is important to feed babies with breast milk. The mother sees the baby’s illness and changes in hormones are observed. This situation is also reflected in the mother’s milk, and breast milk rich in antibodies against the baby’s disease is formed. In many similar situations, the mother produces the breast milk that the baby needs with her hormones.

How long is breast milk stored?

In some cases, breast milk may not be consumed immediately. Therefore, it can be stored frozen for later consumption. The container used to store breast milk must be manufactured for this purpose or sterilized. Breast milk can be stored at room temperature (between 24 and 26 degrees Celsius) for 3-4 hours. Breast milk stored on the refrigerator shelf can be stored for a maximum of 2-4 days and the baby should consume it during this period. If breast milk is to be stored for a longer period of time, it should be frozen. Breast milk frozen at -16 degrees Celsius can remain intact for 3 to 6 months.

Care should be taken when storing breast milk for later use. Generally, special storage bags and bottles can be used for breast milk. Glass jar can also be preferred as it provides convenience in terms of sterilization. However, it is more correct to use special storage bags or bottles produced to store breast milk. In case of cleaning and reuse, the containers should not be used before they are dried.

How can you tell if frozen breast milk is spoiled?

The odor of breast milk differs depending on its content. The smell, color, taste and content of every breast milk is not the same. However, if the correct thawing method is applied after freezing, if a sharp, sour and bad odor is observed, the breast milk may be spoiled. In addition, the consistency of deteriorated breast milk is also dark. In order not to consume spoiled breast milk in any case, the date label should be indicated on the stored containers. Breast milk, which can be stored at room temperature for 3-4 hours, on the refrigerator shelf for 2-4 days, and in the freezer for 3-6 months, may begin to deteriorate if not given to the baby during these periods. If any difference is observed in the structure, smell and color of the stored breast milk, it should be discarded before it is given to the baby.

How long should frozen breast milk be consumed?

The baby may not be able to consume breast milk immediately for various reasons. In these cases, breast milk is stored for later consumption by the baby. Breast milk has a different lifespan at room temperature, on the refrigerator shelf, and in the freezer. The time waiting at room temperature should be consumed by the baby within a maximum of 4 hours. Milk stored on the refrigerator shelf should be consumed within a maximum of 4 days. Breast milk that can be stored in the freezer for a longer period should be consumed within 6 months. After frozen breast milk is thawed, it can stay on the refrigerator shelf for 24 hours and be consumed by heating. If thawed breast milk is kept at room temperature, it should be consumed within 8 hours. Breast milk that has been frozen once and then thawed should not be frozen again.

How to give breast milk stored in the freezer?

The correct thawing process is very important in consuming frozen breast milk. A conscious way should be followed both for the preservation of freshness and for consumption. First of all, never put your container under direct fire for proper defrosting. For this, fill another container with warm water or hot water. Then put the container with breast milk into the container filled with hot water. You can prevent the cream and milk layers by mixing lightly. Mixing vigorously or igniting can damage the live components in breast milk. After following these ways, breast milk becomes ready to be consumed. Thus, frozen breast milk can be consumed in a healthy way.

How long does heated breast milk last?

Breast milk can be stored in the refrigerator for 24 hours after thawing. However, it should not be frozen again. Freezing and thawing again destroys the nutritional values ​​in breast milk and causes the milk to deteriorate. After freezing, thawed breast milk can stay in the refrigerator for 24 hours and at room temperature for 4-8 hours. After warming, breast milk should be consumed within 1-2 hours. Bacteria formation accelerates in breast milk that is not consumed within these periods. The milk begins to deteriorate and may become unusable.
