How long can you live without drinking?

How long can you live without drinking

Living without eating is difficult. But living without drinking is mission impossible. In less than 24 hours, our body already shows signs of dehydration.

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Live without eating. This is possible for several days, even several tens of days. On the condition, however, of continuing forever drink water. Because without water intake, our body cannot hope to survive more than three days. Water, as one of main constituents of the human body – up to about 60% – is therefore even more essential to our body than food.

Perspiration, urination and even breathing make us lose about two liters of water every day. And this loss must imperatively be compensated. This is what happens when we drink water. But if we are prevented from doing so, our body takes less than 24 hours to show the first signs of dehydration. And it can be even faster if the Sun is in the game.

The signs of dehydration

When our bodies run out of water, we usually feel thirsty. But this is not always the case, especially for the elderly. Vigilance is therefore required with respect to this symptom. On the other hand, among the first signs of dehydration reliable, we can cite the drying of the skin – which loses elasticity -, tongue and mouth. From urine darker and thicker blood. A blood pressure which drops. Then come headaches, cramps and disturbances of consciousness. Finally, coma and eventually, death.

As long as the lack of water remains limited, rehydration may be enough for the person to recover. To do so, it will need drink frequently and in larger quantities than usual. Sweet and savory drinks, if possible. To restock. On the other hand, when the dehydration is severe, there is a vital emergency and the person must be taken care of by a doctor. Losses of water and salts minerals that she will have suffered can then be compensated by infusion.

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