How is neck pain treated? What causes neck pain, which doctor to go to?

Many people today experience neck pain. The neck is one of the most active parts of our body and has great importance in our daily activities. However, factors such as prolonged computer use, wrong posture, stress, muscle tension and trauma can cause neck pain. Neck pain can negatively affect people’s quality of life and limit their daily work and activities. It may also be accompanied by accompanying symptoms such as neck pain, headache, shoulder stiffness, numbness or tingling in the arms.

What causes neck pain?

Neck pain can occur for many different reasons. Here are common causes of neck pain:

  • Muscle Tension: Neck muscles can become strained due to prolonged incorrect posture, repetitive movements, or overuse. Neck pain may occur as the muscles become tense.
  • Neck Disc Problems: The discs in the neck spine are located between the vertebrae. Conditions such as wear, slippage or herniation in the discs can cause neck pain.
  • Neck Injuries: Neck trauma experienced during an accident, fall or sports activities can cause neck pain. Damage to the neck muscles, ligaments or spinal structure can cause pain.
  • Osteoarthritis: In the aging process or due to overuse, osteoarthritis may develop in the neck spine. Erosion of the joint surfaces and reduction of cartilage tissue can be a cause of neck pain.
  • Nerve entrapment: Nerves in the neck spine can become compressed or irritated as they pass between the vertebrae. This may manifest as neck pain and radiating pain to the arms or hands.
  • Stress and Anxiety: Mental and emotional stress can cause neck muscles to stretch and neck pain to appear. Stress and anxiety can keep neck muscles constantly tense.
  • Posture Problems: Factors such as incorrect posture, desk work or long-term phone use can play a role in the occurrence of neck pain. Tilting the head forward or forward drooping of the shoulders can lead to overstretching of the neck muscles and pain.

How is neck pain treated?

Neck pain can often be uncomfortable, but in most cases it can be alleviated with appropriate treatment and management strategies. Here are some methods that can answer the question of what is good for neck pain:

  • Rest: Rest is important to relieve neck pain. Rest can be achieved by limiting activities and avoiding activities that will strain the neck muscles.
  • Hot or cold compress: Applying hot or cold compresses for neck pain can provide relief. A hot compress can help relax muscles by increasing blood flow, while a cold compress can reduce swelling and inflammation. You can choose one of the hot or cold compress methods according to your needs.
  • Physical therapy and exercise: Physical therapy is an effective option in the treatment of neck pain. Exercises and therapies directed by a physical therapist can help strengthen neck muscles, increase flexibility, and reduce pain. Neck exercises include movements aimed at correcting neck posture and reducing tension while relaxing the muscles.
  • Pain relievers: In cases of mild neck pain, you can use painkillers recommended by your doctor. These medications can relieve pain and provide relief. However, it is important to follow your doctor’s instructions for long-term use.
  • Massage therapy: Massage by a professional massage therapist can relax the neck muscles and help reduce pain. Massage can increase blood circulation, reduce tension in the muscles and provide relaxation.
  • Ergonomic arrangements: Making ergonomic adjustments in daily living activities can also help relieve neck pain. You can protect the neck muscles by taking precautions such as maintaining the correct posture, making table and chair arrangements, adjusting the screen height, and taking regular breaks.

These treatment methods can relieve neck pain in most cases. However, it is important to consult a healthcare professional if the pain is severe or persistent, or is accompanied by other symptoms. Since each individual’s situation may be different, you can consult your doctor to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for you.

What are neck pain exercises?

Regular exercises are of great importance to get rid of pain and tension in the neck. When applied correctly, it can relieve neck pain, strengthen muscles and increase flexibility. Here are a few examples of neck pain exercises:

  • Neck Rotation Exercise: While sitting or standing, slowly turn your head to the right and left. This exercise stretches your neck muscles and can reduce the feeling of stiffness.
  • Neck Bending and Extension Exercise: While sitting or standing, slowly tilt your head forward, then slowly extend it back. This movement can stretch and relax the neck muscles.
  • Swimming Movements: Backstroke or freestyle swimming exercises strengthen neck muscles and increase flexibility. Swimming also benefits the whole body.
  • Shoulder Lift Exercise: Slowly lift your shoulders up, then relax them down. This exercise strengthens the neck and shoulder muscles and relieves tension.
  • Neck Side Bend Exercise: While sitting or standing, tilt your head slowly to the right and left, helping to stretch the neck muscles on the sides.
  • Neck Half Bridge Exercise: Lie on your back and bend your knees. Then slowly lift your hips up, pushing your shoulders up off the ground, rounding your back. This exercise can strengthen the neck and back muscles.

These exercises can help relieve and prevent neck pain. However, it is important to consult a healthcare professional before starting any exercise program. In addition, if you feel any pain or discomfort during the exercises, you should stop immediately and consult your doctor.

The first healthcare professional to be consulted with neck pain is usually a family doctor. The family physician can evaluate the causes of neck pain, perform an examination and recommend appropriate treatment methods. However, if the condition is complex or progressive, or if a specific medical professional is needed, the GP may refer the patient to a specialist. Specialists for neck pain, such as an orthopedist, neurologist, or physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist, may also be involved in the evaluation and treatment process. These specialists can offer further evaluation and specific treatment options. For this reason, it is important to consult a family doctor when faced with neck pain and to be referred to a specialist doctor if necessary.

Does neck hernia cause headache?

Neck hernia can sometimes cause headaches. Neck hernia is a condition that occurs as a result of damage or dislocation of the discs in the neck spine. Compression or irritation of the nerves around the discs may be associated with headaches as well as neck pain. A herniated disc may cause headache, along with pain and tension radiating from the neck to the upper part of the head. This condition can often be triggered by neck movements or certain positions of the head.

Although headache is a common symptom in people with neck hernia, not all headaches may be related to neck hernia. It is important to be evaluated by a doctor to confirm that the headache is associated with a cervical hernia.
