How is mulberry molasses consumed, which diseases is it good for? How to use mulberry molasses, how much should be consumed daily?

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In the winter months, it is often sick because of the cold weather. Healthy foods are generally preferred for the treatment of diseases. Mulberry molasses is one of them. It is one of the molasses that can be preferred by everyone because it is both healthy and delicious. It can be consumed in desserts or eaten directly. It is also used in the treatment of ailments such as colds and flu. It is also one of the preferred molasses for cough problems.

How to make mulberry molasses?

Molasses varieties made from fresh mulberries are very tasty and beneficial. Therefore, when making mulberry molasses, care should be taken to ensure that the mulberries are fresh and clean. For the mulberry molasses recipe, you need to use at least 4 kilos of mulberry.

  • First, put the mulberries in a pot and add enough water to cover it and bring it to a boil.
  • Continue without boiling until the mulberries are soft.
  • After the mulberries soften, turn off the stove and set the pot aside.
  • Strain the boiled water with cheesecloth or cloth and transfer it to another container.
  • Squeeze the remaining mulberries in the cheesecloth/cloth.
  • Take the mulberry pulp into another strainer.
  • Put the mulberries you bought in the strainer on the bowl with the water and knead it like dough. So you can get all the juice in the mulberry.
  • Put the water in a pot and boil it on the stove.
  • Keep boiling until it thickens.
  • After the foam boils, check its consistency, if it has the consistency of molasses, you can take it from the stove and consume it after it cools.

Multi-boiled mulberries are usually a problem during the molasses making process. Therefore, it is necessary to wait until it reaches its consistency. Mulberries that are left alive also cause difficulties during the molasses making process. Molasses made at home are better in terms of freshness. Mulberry molasses is used in the treatment of various diseases with its many benefits. It is especially recommended for children to use. It is recommended for those who have chronic diabetes or blood pressure disorders to use it under the control of a doctor. It is recommended not to be consumed too often. Diabetics should be careful while consuming mulberry molasses.

How to consume mulberry molasses?

One of the types of molasses with a gel-like consistency is mulberry molasses. You can consume mulberry molasses as you wish. You can use it in your desserts or mix it with milk. It is generally recommended for those with anemia problems. Consumption types also vary. It is recommended to be consumed on an empty stomach in the morning. 2 tablespoons of mulberry molasses can be eaten before breakfast. It is a molasses recommended to be consumed for liver and kidney ailments. It is also used in chronic ailments. Since mulberry molasses has a sweet taste, it also satisfies your sweet cravings. It is one of the foods recommended for those who often consume sweets. It can be made at home as well as ready-made.

How much mulberry molasses should be consumed daily?

Excess consumption of any food is harmful. Mulberry molasses, which is compatible with tahini and becomes delicious, should be consumed in a limited way. It is recommended to consume 1 or 2 spoons per day. You can eat 2 spoons of mulberry molasses on an empty stomach in the morning to start the day vigorously and energetically. Mulberry molasses is also recommended. It is also recommended for those who have cold problems, you can consume up to 1 spoon every day during the winter months. It is among the foods rich in iron and is used in the treatment of iron deficiency. Mulberry molasses is also recommended for immune system problems.

What diseases is mulberry molasses good for?

Mulberry molasses, which is a store of iron, calcium and potassium, is also delicious. It is also recommended to use for children with calcium deficiency. It has many effects on bone development. It is recommended to use during the developmental period of children. You can also include it on your diet lists due to its fiber content. Mulberry molasses is recommended for problems such as forgetfulness and hair loss. Situations where mulberry molasses is good:

  • Bronchitis
  • Hemorrhoids
  • cough, sore throat
  • stomach ailments
  • Anemia
  • body aches
  • Weakness
  • Bone development

What vitamins are in mulberry molasses?

Mulberry molasses, which is used for stomach problems, contains various vitamins. It is one of the types of molasses recommended for those with vitamin deficiency. It is often recommended due to the presence of vitamin B12. Apart from B12, it contains a high amount of vitamin A. Vitamin A has properties that protect against many diseases. It is one of the vitamins that are beneficial for bone and skin structure. It has a youthful effect. Therefore, it is very important to consume foods containing vitamin A. Mulberry molasses also contains vitamins B1 and B2. Vitamin B1 is very important for ailments such as hair loss and nail breakage. Vitamin B2 is also very important for bronchitis and asthma patients. It should be consumed regularly at certain intervals.
