How is Istanbulkart Visa Made? – Mobile

How is Istanbulkart Visa Made Mobile

Istanbulkart, which makes our lives easier in Istanbul, especially in the field of transportation, is in the wallets of almost everyone. The biggest question mark in the minds of Istanbulkart users is always about how the visa process is. In today’s article, we will give you the answer to the question of how to apply for an Istanbulkart visa.

For Istanbulkart visa process, when you have your discount card scanned by Biletmatik, you can complete your visa process in as little as 10 seconds by pressing the visa approval button that appears on the screen.

Approximately 970 units located in Istanbul to carry out the visa process. ODM/Ticketmatic You must apply instead. You will be able to easily perform the visa process on these devices.

Free Cards;

  • The card is placed in the card reading part of Biletmatik and waited for 10 seconds.
  • Card update process is complete. You can get your card and continue to use it for free until the next update.

Discount Cards;

  • It is inside your card for visaing for discount cards. 5 Turkish liras balance is required. The card is placed in the card reading section of Biletmatik.
  • On the ticket machine screen “Do you accept the update for 5 TL?When the ” warning appears, press the confirmation button.
  • After pressing the confirmation button, wait 10 seconds and the card is taken.
  • Card update process is complete. You can continue to use your card at a discount until the next update.

In addition, student visa issuance can be done online from the Istanbulkart mobile application. A visa is required at the end of each year for the discounted Istanbulkart used by students in Istanbul.

If the visa is not granted, the discounted card returns to the full tariff. Istanbulkart holders who are still students; It can issue visas from kiosks/dealers that load akbil, Biletmatik devices and Istanbulkart mobile application.

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