How is flaxseed consumed and how should it be used? Can flax seeds be eaten directly?

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Flaxseed, also known as “superfood” all over the world, is among the most preferred foods, especially in recent years. It is known as a meal that people who want to lose weight add to their diet. Flaxseed, which can be consumed by applying different recipes, is mainly eaten with yogurt. It is also used as a supplement in the treatment of many diseases. It is a complete healing store when consumed consciously and according to doctor’s approval.

How to consume flaxseed?

Flaxseed, which can be consumed in many ways, is mostly eaten by adding to salads or mixing with yogurt. There are also those who consume it by adding it to dishes such as rice and soup. It is recommended that flaxseed, which can be consumed in almost any form, should not exceed 2 teaspoons as a daily consumption amount. Smoothies are also available for breakfast cereals or for those who prefer to eat them with oatmeal. It is recommended not to consume immature flaxseed or raw, as it can be harmful to the body with the toxins it contains. The benefits of flaxseed, which are generally consumed to protect against diseases in the winter months, are as follows:

  • It gives energy.
  • It strengthens the immune system and increases the body’s resistance against possible diseases.
  • It is supportive in the treatment of infectious diseases.
  • It is known to prevent diseases such as colds, flu and colds.
  • It helps to lose weight.
  • It relieves bloating and gas in the body.
  • It is seen as a remedy for constipation problem.
  • It is a powerful antioxidant.
  • It has a blood pressure regulating effect.
  • It has a regulating effect on the intestinal system.
  • It is protective against skin diseases, psoriasis and eczema.

Does flaxseed have any harm or side effects?

The fact that excessive consumption is a problem, which is valid for every food, is also valid for flaxseed. It may cause some side effects if consumed more than the amount recommended by doctors. Especially people who are prone to allergic reactions, expectant mothers, nursing mothers, people with chronic diseases, people who need to use regular medication and those with sensitive structures should be more careful. Some of the side effects that may occur in case of excessive consumption of flaxseed are as follows:

  • It can cause indigestion.
  • May cause diarrhea.
  • May cause an allergic reaction. These effects can be seen as skin redness, swelling or itching.
  • It can cause oil accumulation.
  • May cause stomach upsets.

How to use flaxseed?

Flaxseed, which can be obtained from herbalists or markets, should be soaked in warm water for 10 minutes before use. Then it is filtered with the help of a strainer and thrown into cold water. It is kept in cold water for up to 2 hours. The flax seed will begin to sprout. It can be consumed as such. It is also possible to use it in powder form. Can flaxseed, which can be eaten by adding it to different foods in this state, be eaten directly?

Flaxseed is not a directly consumed food. It is generally eaten mixed with food, especially yoghurt. However, it can also be consumed by mixing with different foods and beverages. It can also be used in salads, dishes, soups. When mixed with yogurt, different spices can be added to this mixture. For example, the most commonly preferred black cumin. Apart from that, it can also be eaten by adding turmeric. It will be more accurate to prepare the most suitable mixture for the body by consulting a specialist doctor.

How to eat flaxseed with yogurt?

The vitamins and minerals contained in flaxseed are more beneficial when combined with the rich content of yogurt. It is among the first choices of people who have constipation problems and those who want to lose weight. Mix a teaspoon of flaxseed with a bowl of yogurt. If desired, oatmeal can also be added to this mixture. Since the prepared mixture contains high fiber, it has the feature of keeping it full for a long time.

Can flax seeds be eaten unground?

It is also possible to consume flaxseed without grinding. However, experts recommend consuming ground flaxseed as it can be digested more easily. Otherwise, if it is consumed in its unground form, it may cause problems in the intestines. In addition, it will be healthier to eat it by grinding so that all the nutritional values ​​it contains can reach its purpose.

How to use flaxseed for weight loss?

One of the most frequently consumed foods by those who want to lose weight is flaxseed. It contains minerals such as magnesium, iron, copper, zinc. Since it contains high fiber, it has the feature of keeping it full for a long time. However, no food should be used directly for weight loss or weight problems. Thanks to its nutritional content, flaxseed helps people who want to lose weight in the weight loss process. It is recommended that people who want to use flaxseed to lose weight should use it under the control and recommendation of a doctor. Using more flaxseed than recommended by experts can cause various discomforts.
