How is eczema cured and how is it treated? Eczema creams and shampoos

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Eczema, which is generally seen on the legs, hands and feet, is actually a disease that can occur in any part of the body. Although it is a disturbing disease that reduces the quality of daily life, it is not generally considered dangerous. Recovery is possible after a few medications and a short course of treatment under the guidance of a specialist doctor. It is known that it mostly occurs due to stress. In order to get rid of this disease as soon as possible, it is extremely important to visit a doctor who is an expert in this field without delay and to start the treatment.

Eczema disease can manifest itself due to various reasons. Some of the conditions that cause a skin reaction and cause eczema are:

  • dry air
  • Cold weather
  • Allergenic products
  • Humidity and similar environmental or climatic factors
  • pollen
  • molds
  • Having allergies to foods
  • Chemical-containing care products such as perfume, soap or deodorant
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Genetic causes
  • Not having a strong immune system
  • some metals

How to cure eczema?

Eczema is a skin disease that is generally considered chronic. There are different types such as atopic eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, asteatotic eczema, contact eczema, nummular eczema, gravitational eczema. The most important step for the treatment of this disease is to consult a doctor as soon as symptoms occur. It is also important to strictly follow the treatment process given by the doctor in order for recovery to occur as soon as possible.
In its treatment, non-cortisone drugs that suppress the immune system, local corticosteroid ointments or wet dressings can be used.

Eczema creams and shampoos

It is also important to strengthen the skin to reduce attacks such as itching and rash. For this purpose, products such as eczema cream, eczema shampoo or soap may be recommended. However, it is important to use these products consciously and not to choose them without consulting a doctor.

How is eczema treated?

Eczema treatment may vary depending on the type of eczema. Because the symptoms of different types of eczema may be different. However, in general, conditions such as itching, rash, and spotting are accepted as common points of all types of eczema and are the symptoms seen in most of them.

A treatment method is applied to eczema patients depending on which part of the skin the eczema appears on. For example, topical steroids are generally used in the treatment of hair eczema. Doctors may recommend an oral antibiotic if there is an infection in scalp eczema.

For hand eczema, local corticosteroid ointments or wet dressings can be used. Skin reactions are also monitored by the doctor and medications that can suppress different attacks such as flaking, spotting and itching are recommended.

What is good for eczema?

Eczema patients should take some precautions during their treatment process, depending on the cause of the disease. For example, in cases of eczema confirmed by a doctor to be caused by stress, it is important for the person to stay away from stress and engage in different activities such as walking, swimming and running. Some of the things that can be done to both prevent this disease and to apply it during the treatment process if recommended by the doctor are as follows:

  • It is important not to scratch and therefore irritate the deformed eczema part of the skin.
  • Care should be taken to ensure that there is sufficient temperature and humidity in the location.
  • The frequency of bathing should be determined according to the season.
  • In hand eczema, hands need to be constantly moisturized.
  • Gloves should be preferred to avoid exposure to various chemicals while cleaning.
  • Hands should be washed in warm water and paper towels should be used to dry them.
  • During the winter months, woolen clothes should be worn without direct contact with the skin, and undershirts or combed cotton or similar underwear should be worn.
  • Attention should be paid to healthy nutrition.
  • The treatment given by the doctor should be strictly followed and check-ups should not be interrupted.
  • Meat and fish products, raw fruits and vegetables should not be touched directly with bare hands.
  • The eczema diet deemed appropriate by the doctor should be followed exactly.
